10| Riley

38 3 15

It was Sunday night and we had decided to go out to eat. I had suggested that it be just a Tilly, James and Piper ordeal but Piper wasn't going to let that happen
She's a character and a half that is for sure. She's the opposite of James but in a good way, they have their similarities but by sure she is her own person
"When I tell you James was the most annoying teenager, I mean it" Piper said making James roll his eyes as he fed Tilly another mouthful of the baby food he had brought with us
We were at a pizzeria and it was actually rather cute here

"To be honest, all of the boys were chaotic. I don't know how they are still alive" Piper said taking a bite of her pizza
"Yeah, I could easily gather that they would have been up to no good growing up. They still get up to no good now" I said making Piper laugh

"What? No we don't. Name the last time?" James asked, I looked at him and rolled my eyes before nodding accepting that challenge
"How about the night that Tilly arrived. You had Hunter and West come knocking on my door like you boys had just killed someone only for me to walk into your flat to see you standing over Tilly covering your ears" I laughed letting Piper burst out laughing too
"You didn't" Piper scoffed making James bow his head 
"Oh he did, turns out all Tilly wanted was to be held. They had kept her in the car seat for god knows how long" I laughed while James stayed silent

Before I could say anything, I glanced over to see Tilly placing both of her hands on his cheeks pulling him towards her pressing their foreheads together
James leant forward pressing a kiss on the tip of his daughters nose making her giggle 

"I never thought I would see the day you had kids James. You were never so I don't know - domestic?" Piper said with a little laugh while James rolled his eyes looking at his sister 
"You should have seen me day 1, I couldn't even hold her" James chuckled
"now he throws her around like she unbreakable" I added making James nod
"She is unbreakable, with us around at least" he winked  while I rolled my eyes this time 

"You know, you're gonna have to bring Tilly home soon to meet Mum and Dad" Piper said, the moment the word 'Dad ' left her lips James almost froze
James knew all about mine and my dad's relationship to a degree and I knew that his and his dad's wasn't any better which is why he was so understanding over it but I don't know.. I think there is more then he lets on

"We'll see Pipes. I'm still adapting as is Tills" James explained but that wasn't the case
If that was the case. We wouldn't be going to my home town this weekend. So clearly he's avoiding something


We got in a little later. After saying our goodbye's to Piper letting her leave to go to James' flat we ended up back in mine. Tilly was already asleep on James' shoulder which meant that it would be easy tot just shift her into bed
James had suggested we took her out for dinner in her pj's anyway and I guess that paid off 

"Riley, why are you cleaning?" James asked  as he came out of the bedroom. He silently closed to door before coming over stopping me from picking up the last few toys of Tilly's 
"What do you mean?" I laughed but it didn't matter, he had guided us both over to the sofa making us take a seat
"I mean, you've been doing something all day and ever since we were at dinner you're quiet, what's going on?" He asked but I shook my head
"nothing, I'm just wanting to get the flat cleaned before Tilly woke up and-" I started but James gave me a look to almost say quit it 

"Riley, I'm afraid these last 3 weeks have done nothing but let me learning you inside and out. I know you like the back of my hand at this point" He said confidently
"Oh yeah? Favourite colour?" I asked making James roll his eyes
"Purple" He said making me narrow my eyes as I leant a little closer
"Favourite season" I added
"Summer, you hate the cold" He said with arrogance clear in his tone
"Favourite food" I said knowing that this one would easily trick him up

He sat there for a moment trying to think long and hard about it before smirking in my direction and tapping my nose
"Trick question. You think that question is too vague, there are too many different types of food to pick one ultimate favourite" He said making me narrow my eyes 
How did he get that one right

"So spill, what's going on?" James asked making me sigh
"I think you should go and take Tilly to meet your parents. It'll help you in the long run and-" I explained or at least I started to be before being cut off
"I will eventually Ri but right now it isn't the time" He said but I shook my head

"Next weekend you'll both be spending 3 days with my family, I think it is only fair that you go and see yours too. I mean they are Tilly's family and I'm not" I started but James tilted his head and looked at me confused

"Stop looking at me like I'm from Mars" I said making James burst out laughing 

"Riley, I hate to break it to you but the moment you agreed to come to the flat to help us with Tilly, you became her family" James said making me look at him slightly taken back
"She adores you, you're her comfort even when I'm sat right with you both. It's safe to say you are the favourite and I'm not even mad about it" He laughed

"You and I hadn't seen eye to eye when we first met and I apologise for that but I don't want you thinking that you don't mean anything" He said making me smile softly
"I'm glad you think I mean something to Tilly but eventually I won't be anything more then your neighbour. When I find another job, when you find a new nanny and-" I said but James shook his head moving closer

"I can promise you Riley, that isn't the case" he whispered lightly making me look at him confused

"There is no think, you mean the world to Tilly and quite frankly you mean a lot to me too" He said making me raise a brow at him
"James I-" I started before cutting myself off
"I don't know what it is Riley but it's something and I will not have you sitting here thinking you don't mean something to either of us. Whether you find some new job and I find a new nanny that isn't going to change anything. You'll still be a big part of Tilly's life" he said placing his arm on the back of the sofa grazing over my shoulder

"I still think-" I started before James cut me off by rolling my eyes
"If this really means that much to you Riley, I'll book the week after your trip off and we'll go straight from your sister's to my parents" James said

"That works, I'll take the train home or something and-" I said but of course James cut me off again. It was starting to get slightly annoying if I'm honest

"No no, I said We.. Meaning you, Tilly and I are going" He said making me widen my eyes slightly not really having a comeback for that one 

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