5| James

35 4 13

I don't remember falling asleep, I remember Riley suggesting it but I don't remember actually giving in and going to sleep
But I was woken up the soft noise of some music in the background and the pleasant smell of some sort of food
I sat up rather frantically remember that it wasn't just me anymore 
Looking around it was clear that I had fallen asleep on Riley's sofa which makes sense seeing as that is the last memory I have

The more I began to focus on the room around me, I could see Riley stood over by the stove. She had Tilly on her hip as the pair of them danced around the kitchen checking in on whatever Riley was cooking
Tilly's giggles were happily filling the empty moments every time Riley would dance a little more exaggerated making Tilly bounce in her arms 

"Ladybug, sleeping beauty is awake" I heard Riley say making me look up to see her looking directly at me, the moment she said that Tilly giggled before looking directly at me with a big smile on her face 

Tilly had officially been around for 24 hours now and to say these have been the most complicated 24 hours of my life is an understatement but maybe, just maybe it'll be worth it in the long haul

As I walked over to the pair of them, Tilly turned towards me reaching out her hands making it clear she wanted me to take her from Riley. Which shocks me
Tilly hasn't been here for long but it was clear that she was in love with Riley last night 
She practically fell into my arms allowing Riley to have both of her arms back as she turned back to the stove

"I figured you probably haven't eaten today?" She offered making me shake my head
"Tilly just had her bottle and dinner should be ready in 5 minutes or so?" Riley offered making me nod as I took a seat with Tilly
I placed her on the counter as I sat in front of hear hearing her giggle as she continued to poke at my face like she had spent all morning doing too
"She's connecting" Riley smiled 

I tilted my head looking at Riley confused
"Baby's touch and poke at people's faces as a way of getting to know them, trying to connect with them. It's her way of comforting herself, saying hello and making sure that you aren't about to leave her" Riley said making me turn back to Tilly who looked up at me with a smile on her face as her hand stayed on my cheek stroking it gently before giggling 
"I think your daughter is trying to tell you she loves you" Riley said taking a pan off of the stove
"Loves me? She doesn't know me.. I've not been in her life for 4 months" I said sighing 

"That doesn't matter James, you are here now and it's clear that the only thing mattering to Tilly right now is you" Riley answered
"She would have been scared last night and the only constant she had was you. Now she's attached" Riley said with a soft smile on her lips as she plated up two plates of food for us

"How do you know all of this?" I asked placing Tilly in the bouncer down by our feet while we ate
"I have some history in childcare I guess. I studied it in college as a means to also be able to do the course I wanted to do" She explained
"What did you want to do?" I  asked
"I was there for dance, I've always wanted to just do dance and then the course I did needed me to have a major so I chose Childcare and Development. That way if it came to it I could teach kids etc" Riley added making me smile

"That's a sweet concept" I answered making Riley nod
"Honestly, the more I learnt about kids the more it captured my interest" She chuckled before pouring herself a glass of water from the jug on the table 

"Is that still what you want to do? Teach dance to kids?" I asked but Riley shrugged chewing the mouthful of food she had in her mouth
"at this point, I don't care what I do. Rent is due in like 2 weeks and I'm further behind then I ever wanted to be" She chuckled most likely trying to make light of the situation 
"The job hunt isn't going well?" I asked but Riley shook her head
"Nobody wants to hire someone who can only land temp jobs. Much to my father's joy, I think he hopes things fall through so that I run back home" She explained 

Living up to your father's expectations is something I can relate to. More then I care to admit
It's exhausting to fight against someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally. It's hard to not be someone they are proud of 

"Well, if you're interested. I was going to look into a Nanny for Tilly seeing as I work fulltime. It would only be from 8am till like 6pm by the time I get home. Maybe a couple later nights depending on meetings etc" I explained, Riley turned to me with a look of confusion
"I know it's tough living up to any Dad's expectations, I would gladly help you out. In fact I think you would be doing me more of a favour" I laughed
"It doesn't need to be for forever. Just until you're back on your feet and have found yourself another job?" I offered

Riley looked at me in disbelief for a moment before looking back down at Tilly who was sat there chewing on the one of the toys in the bouncer
"Monday to Friday?" Riley asked and I nodded
"I have weekends off but you are more then welcome to come and keep us company if you would like to" I said making Riley chuckle

"Soooo?" I asked, honestly Riley agreeing to do this would save me the hassle of having to start looking for someone 

"Let's do it" Riley smiled 

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