New Experiences

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Not a sex scene but skip if you don't like sexual content.
Doesn't contribute to the plot either so you're not missing out.

"Samuel, wake up," the sweet voice of an angel echoed in our protagonist's ear, stirring him in his slumber as curiosity enveloped his senses. "Samuel," the call sounded almost rhythmical, engulfing him in an imaginary mythical domain where harps could be heard playing in their magical enchantment.

"Samuel, if you don't wake up I'll have to stab you," still as sweet as the ripe fruits of summer, Sam couldn't let go of his sleep, nor the cupid speaking to him, "Samuel, I will leave this instance if you keep ignoring me," he shuffled in his bed, feeling light peek through his closed eyelids.

"You," he managed to speak, interrupted by his own sloth, "I'm not," he tried again, "I'm not ignoring you angel."

"Angel?", Cameron scrunched up his nose, "Stop flirting or whatever it is you're doing, and get up," he sat by the side of his boyfriend's bed, staring down at him as he tried, in the gentlest manner, to wake him up.

Samuel was laid on his back, slight drool escaping his lips, "I'm not ignoring you angel," he whispered once again, clearer than the first time.

"Then I guess we'll have to resolve to other methods," Cameron snickered, taking off his slippers as he climbed onto the bed.

He slowly sat on top of Samuel, straddling his hips, the latter unfazed about all the things happening on top of him, still trapped in slumber.

"Why the fuck am I the embarrassed one?," Cam asked himself, contemplating his next moves, "Samuel?", he asked once again.

No response.

Cameron gazed at the man below him. He zoned out, second guessing his plan, "Maybe strangling someone, even if I don't apply pressure," he pondered, "Is quite bad and a dangerous way to wake someone up," he whispered, rubbing his thumbs on the man's waist, crossing onto the bumps of his abs.

What if I go a little too hard?
He'll probably think I'm a psychopath.

Like a squeak, the strangest sound known to the assassin escaped his lips when a pair of hands gripped and pulled down aggressively on his hips, the muscles underneath his body pressed up against the lower part of his own, bringing a strange jolt of pleasure after a volt of subtle pain through his spine. His hands, unwilling and driven by pure instincts, gripped the naked chest below him for support, his cold hands coming in contact with warm skin, as his hazel eyes peered into the chocolates that stared back, a glint of mischief sparkling in them. Undoubtedly, the sly smirk of his now awaken lover was not left unnoticed either.

"So you do want to fuck me," Samuel grinned, teeth revealing themselves more, as the red tints of Cameron's face grew darker, "I'd appreciate if it was consensual though," he chuckled at the immediate nudged he received, "Only joking," he inhaled, bringing his knees to himself, the human on top of him gasping as Sam's thighs hit his back, and with the position he attributed himself to, it was easier for him to sit up, which he did almost immediately.

"What-", Cameron yet again unwillingly choked on air again, when Samuel yanked him closer, their nose inches from each other, chests almost touching as the man was now sat properly.

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