The Blood-lust client

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The protagonist pondered strongly on his way to Brian's place.

"There are nasty people out there."


"Nothing. Thank you for the coffee and last night. Have a good day."

He sighed.

How can someone just leave casually after saying that?

It was indeed very strange for Samuel to hear that, in fact, it would be weird for anyone to say a sentence like this and just leave without any context. He was certain that it wasn't something out of the ordinary like he was portraying it to be.

There are in fact evil and perhaps disturbing people in this world we're living in, but the world 'nasty', was just so scarce that Samuel couldn't take it seriously. And with everything happening these last few weeks, maybe Cameron was just looking out for him?

Samuel chuckled. As if was that easy.

By now, our main character has already figured that the man that moved in just above him would be a hard egg to crack, and he was willing to take on that challenge.

Do I look like the type of guy who would get into all types of dangers?

He glanced at his shirt then at his shoes. He was dressed in dark clothes from head to toe.

Well, appearances don't count, do they? Because if that's the case, then I'm screwed-

He shook his head,

No. Didn't look like that. Maybe it was just a tactic he uses to scare people off.

He smirked at his idea, mumbling under his breath, "Well then, we'll see who scares who first."

Almost immediately after knocking on Brian's door, Samuel was greeted by Mrs. Ursula Osborn, his boss's wife.

"Good morning Ursula," Sam smiled at the woman.

"Oh Sam," she grinned, "Come in, please."

After stepping in, he was greeted by Judy Milton, Zach's wife.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

Indeed, all of Samuel's colleagues are either engaged, married, divorced or at least not single. Adding to the fact that he was the youngest, his past relationships didn't end well because of his lack of interest and of course, his job.

Bizarrely, the partners of his colleagues were all aware of their other halves' dark occupation, but the mature women could understand their men's lives and love them anyway, despite the bloodshed.

Or maybe because a hitman's paycheck is loaded.

"Mrs. Annie is here to discuss for tomorrow," Brain appeared together with Zach, "Go in the living room, we'll join you there in an instance."

Sam nodded, walking to his destination, shaking the hand of the foreign woman in front of him.

"Are you Mr. Thompson Samuel?", 'Annie' politely asked, with a very British accent, making her appear like the typical cliché rich lady with evil thoughts.

"Yes. You can just call me Sam," the young man nodded.

"Oh my. You look even better in real life," she chuckled. She looked like she was in her late 50's or even older, but a proper age to determine would be hard with the amount of make-up on her face.

"I'm flattered. But I must say you're the ravishing one today," he grimaced, faking his interest.

In reality, he couldn't give a damn about her looks or even anything about her. As long as he was getting paid, the job would be done. Adding to the fact that he would be able to attend a gathering of dukes, Samuel was quite pleased with this offer.

"How about I bring you as my partner rather than my bodyguard?", she continued flirting.

"I'm afraid it might collide with my duties then, as I'll have to keep you company instead of killing Mr. Brutus," he politely spoke.

Mrs. Annie seemed to be shaken up by the mention of the murder and there could be only one reason behind that,

She still loved Mr. Brutus.

And that, Samuel, understood it right away, "May I get some more information on why you want to take his life?"

She hesitated, averting her eyes between the man and the ground, before finally speaking, "He cheated on me, after confessing his sin, he left to take care of that woman, who is now, I believe pregnant, taking away all my savings," she sighed, "How cruel can life get?"

You might already be feeling bad for her, but she related only half of the story, and that, our main character didn't have any idea about the cruelty of the woman in front of him. During their past relationship, she treated Mr. Brutus like an object, only meeting up with him for gatherings to display herself. She also had a lot of dates, not with him though, and absolutely refused to talk to him if it wasn't related to business. From this, we agree that neither of them was good people.

So it wouldn't be a surprise if Mr. Brutus tried to kill her too.

"Why are you sparing the life of the woman? Could it be because of the baby?", Sam inquired.

"No. I'm planning to kill her after," Mrs. Annie calmly stated. "I was also planning to employ you for the job."

The man forced a smile, "The pleasure will be mine."

If there's anyone more twisted than murderers, it's the people killing beings without having to do the deed, that is, the clients paying for it.

"I hope your attire will be comparable to my company," the client smirked.

"Are you underestimating our abilities and service?", Brian walked into the room with Zach.

"Not at all," the woman replied. "I was just inquiring."

"No problem. Now for the addresses, profile and other information, would you kindly leave, Samuel?", Zach politely asked, to which both Sam and Brian held their laughter.

Zach would most likely just say, "Now is time to leave punk," if Mrs. Annie wasn't here.

"Alright. Pleasure meeting you and I hope to do business in the future too. Farewell," Sam nodded to his client, who giggled at his politeness and nodded back, satisfaction written all over her face.

"The suit is in this, along with three masks, choose one and keep the others, for whatever reason," Ursula spoke, handing a grey sports bag and an ironed suit wrapped in plastic. "There's shoes, perfume and other stuff in there."

"Damn, you're really making me feel like I have nothing chic at home," the young man chuckled nervously, taking the things from the older woman, packing the suit in the bag.

"Do you?", Judy looked up from her files.

And without further comments, Samuel left, sighing as he was at the door.

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