New conflicts

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"Took you long enough," Priscilla chuckled, getting out of the car to open the back seat, "How's little guy?", her eyes shifted from Samuel to the man resting in his arms, securely.

"'Little guy,'" he mimicked, looking down, "Is thankfully okay," he grinned, "As for her boyfriend-", he wriggled his eyebrows at Olivia.

"I do not wish to know," the woman put her hand in front of his face, "Get in the car, I smell burning wood," she eyed him, "Fucking psycho."

"Come on now," Samuel puckered his bottom lip, feigning pain as he lowered his body into the car, "Hey again, Olivia."

"Hello, Samuel," Olivia smiled warmly, "Do you guys need bandages? Surprisingly, Priscilla has a first aid kit."

"That would be splendid," Samuel answered.

Both women shared an amused glance at each other when they heard the vocabulary that Samuel decided to use.

"I'm feeling antagonistic, let me have my fun," Samuel breathed out exasperatedly.

"We didn't say anything, my guy," Priscilla, starting the engine, cleared out.

Driving past the forest to take a U-turn, Samuel's eyes reflected the mossy green tainted brown landscape of the woods, small areas of smoke revealing themselves slowly. By now, it was around eight, and the fire that our protagonist lit disturbed the peace of occupied nests as the volatiles flew in the other direction, abandoning their home despite all their hard labor.

What a terrible fate.

Not as bad as Matthew's though.

"Here," Olivia turned around with a bottle of water in her hand, Samuel grasping it before she could hand him the box of medication.

"Are you sure you wanna do this in the car?", Priscilla inquired, peeking through the rearview mirror.

"I'll just clean his face," Samuel straightened his back, "Once we get home, it's a hot bath and clean clothes on the agenda," he hummed.

"You seem awful happy," the driver chuckled, "I thought you'd be more melancholic seeing his state."

"The perpetrator is dead," Samuel looked up, gaze shuffling between the women's heads, "He's still breathing. That's what counts."

"Internal bleeding exists," Olivia broke the mood.

"Don't be manifesting that now please," Samuel furrowed his eyebrows.

"'Manifest' he says," Priscilla let out a chortle, "He's sleeping so soundly for someone who went through presumable hell."

"How about we let him rest, yeah?", Samuel shuffled a bit in his seat, scooting in the middle of the back seat, peeking his head between the two women, "Let's talk about you instead. Have you decided what to do with Candace?"

"Don't try to divert the situation and put this on me-", Priscilla was stuck in a corner when Olivia spoke.

"No situation was diverted and besides," Olivia chuckled, "It's a good thing he mentioned it because I want to know too," she turned her neck, rather abruptly to the driver, "So tell u,s Priscilla, what are we doing with her?"

"We?", Priscilla repeated.

"I'm getting déja-vue," the conscious beings in the car all stared at the injured man in Samuel's lap, whether it be directly or through the rearview mirror.

The hazel eyes that they all wanted to see stared straight ahead, still in a daze. Cameron was breathing rather slowly, but that was because his body was still weak.

"Cameron!", Samuel buried his face in his non-official boyfriend's shoulder, one arm wrapped around his waist firmly yet gently, while his other hand held his head; his hair was crunchy, dried blood tangling the strands.

"I'm still very much hurt," our deuteragonist gasped, nearly choking by the abrupt embrace, slightly smiling.


"Good to see you're alive," Priscilla hummed, yeah she was happy about her little guy's recovery but the fact that he shifted the topic was a reason for her to pamper him when they get back.

"Olivia," Cameron's moved his eyes from the driver to face the mother of one, his exclaim hurting his throat, "You're okay," he exhaled relieved.

"Of course I am," she sighed, "You're not."

"I am," Cameron grinned, "These will heal in no time."

"Your voice is grungy, your eyes are bloody and sloppy and your nose is clogged, plus I won't even mention your body's general state, Cameron," she paused, "You are not okay."

That was a shift in the atmosphere. It was clear that Olivia was feeling guilty and even clearer that Cameron was rejecting her deceit.

"I am," Cameron rectified, "It's my duty as a man-"

"There's no such thing as a 'man's duty'," she sighed desperately, "I regret even employing you," her voice began to shake, "It's all my fault, isn't it?"

"Calm down," Priscilla's eyes didn't leave the road, yet she placed her hand on the other woman's shoulder.

"Let's keep the past behind-" Samuel tried to intervene, but he had this habit of being interrupted.

"It's not the past if he's suffering now," Olivia breathed, muttering to herself, yet loud enough for her friends to hear.

Samuel sighed.

Dealing with feelings is such a hassle.

He glanced down at Cameron. The man was staring down, his hand gripping Samuel's shoulder for physical support while the other brushed against his own for emotional lineage. The protagonist sighed again, "Olivia, you're thinking this too much."

The woman's lip quivered.

Sam continued, "Do you really think I'd let you off if it was your fault?"

"Hey," Cameron elbowed his stomach "Do not speak like that."

"No but if we're coming clear, I got nothing to hide," Sam shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe I'll feel bad after but not for long."

"We're coming clear?", Olivia straightened her back, "Then I have something to add."

The crew remained silent. The slight roaring of the engine while the tyres crunched leaves were the only plausible auricular sounds that were present.

Did she murder someone?

Is she planning to do so?

Their anticipation was broken loose when she feeling spoke, "I'm pregnant."

"And I'm not planning on keeping it."

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