Finally by His Side

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They all shared glances, as the guy refused to lower his pistol, "Who the fuck are you?", he repeated, clenching his jaw, teeth grinding together.

Samuel chuckled, noticing details that only the most wicked and experienced minds could, "That gun is fake my guy, so if you don't want your eye to be replaced by a hole, I suggest you quit the chitchat and," he looks up, smirking at the visible astonishment on the men's faces, "put the gun down."

"It isn't," the man's voice was laced with fright, almost trembly.

"Prove it, shoot him," Samuel grinned, glancing at Cameron who still stared at him softly, a glimpse of a smile appearing in the corner of his lips.

He trusts me.

As much as he was content with the conclusion that he made, his heart couldn't help but contradict his excitement. Was Cameron this carefree about his own life that he was willing to leave it in Samuel's hand? Is he that blinded by his emotions?

Then again, Samuel would lie if he said he wasn't blind himself.

"I'm not listening to a nobody," the man yelled, "My boss ordered that he remains safe and untouched-", his mates nodded in unison, glaring at the foreign person in front of them, their foreheads glistening with sweat, flinching when their eardrums suddenly popped by the sound of a gunshot.

Slowly descending his arm that pointed to the sky, Samuel's glock still had smoke coming out of it, flowing elegantly with the slow breeze, his index finger rubbing tauntingly on the trigger, making this perimeter a dangerous area for anyone. The smell of gas and leather made itself known as they lingered in his nostrils, an almost addictive scent that reminded him of tobacco.

Seconds passed, his eyes following the unhurried motion of clouds before he slowly looked at the crowd in front of him again, smirking at their agitated states. "If you won't shoot," he raised his pistol to face the stubborn man, who jumped at the realisation of the hazard in front of him, "I will."

"What-" the man gulped, his orbs shuffling between his colleagues, the gun pointed right to his head, and the man standing behind it, "What do you want anyway?"


That was the answer he planned on using upon stopping the car back there, but Olivia's state and the dried blood, sloppy bruised eyes, and bloody chapped lips on his lover's face rendered the fact that the young man was allowed to show no mercy. This wasn't a rescue mission anymore.

This was a battleground.

Or to be more precise, Samuel's playground.

"I want all of you to quietly follow me," he grinned. There were five men, and they all understood that if they tried anything, their bodies would become one with the hydrated soils of the woods.

"Shit man, at least tell us who you are," another man sighed, kicking a rock nearby.

"As your friend over there said," he chuckled, "I'm a nobody. Now quit taking my time and move," he gestured his free arm in the direction of the storeroom, "Quickly now."

"And what about him," one of the guy's inquired, pointing at Cameron.

"I'll take care of him," Samuel's eyes fixated on the men standing in a line, one arm still extending to point the glock at them while the other pressed on the ground for balance, crouching in front of Cameron to realise his arms and legs were tied.

"Are you okay?", Samuel whispered, reflecting on his next moves, "I need two of you to untie him," he turned to the crowd, "gently."

As two obedient guys moved forward, he looked back to Cameron.

"Never been better," he smiled, almost droopingly, the lack of power was more than visible, making Sam smile back with sorrow.

"I'm a bit late, aren't I?", he gently placed a kiss on the other man's forehead while the other two backed away after freeing him from the ropes.

"Nah, you're just in time," Cameron tenderly wrapped his hands around Samuel's neck, leaning his ponderous head on his shoulders, and closing his eyes as he whispered in his ears soothingly, "Lend me your strength for some time."

Samuel planted yet another soft peck on his boyfriend's temple, leaning his forehead by the side of his head to feel his warm body.

Thank God you're alive.

He was never scared of death. But now, he knew what that fear meant. He understood what pain his victims had to go through.

"So..." his eyes jolted open, distracting him from the comfort he was seeking, "You guys are dating?", he turned back to the man speaking, cocking a curious eyebrow at his sudden interest.

"Of course they are," another one replied, "Just look at them."

"Where did the confidence boost come from?", Samuel pondered out loud, gripping Cameron by the waist, "Hey now, stand up for a bit."

Not fully asleep, Cameron followed Samuel's words; barely able to support himself, yet he found his weight lighter when Samuel held him by one arm, his side in between Cameron's legs, as the shorter man gripped his neck for dear life, his head still resting on our protagonist's shoulder. "Up we go," he whispered.

"Go on then I'm still waiting," he asked once again, "What are you planning?"

The men shared glances, "Look man we don't want trouble."


"You want Matthew, don't you?"

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