The Man behind the Disguise

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"Brian, don't you have a clock? It's three in the morning," Samuel stood outside of the nightclub, his first shift over, as he waited for his flatmates to change, talking to his boss on the phone.

"It sounds like you're outside, so don't complain to me," his boss sighed hearing the roaring and passing of vehicles. "Are you free at four?"

"You're supposed to be my boss you know?", he exhaled the smoke of his halfway done cigarette, "No matter what, I have to clear my agenda to complete your task."

"Alright, sounds like you have no plans. I'll send you an address so you come there, they said four in the afternoon," Brian spoke.

"Maybe a little more context there?", Samuel chuckled.

"Apparently, Vixen put up some good words for you and Justin allowed her to reveal her identity. But only to us," even if it was just a phone call, the main character could still feel the grin on Brian's face. "It's also a meet-up to discuss your next mission."

Samuel couldn't process the situation. That woman, Vixen, he didn't have any information on her. He didn't even know her. It was only a few days ago that he discovered she was actually a woman. Why would she compliment him?

Do I know her?

He watched as both Priscilla and Candace walked outside of the nightclub, Cameron stopping midway, looking very concentrated as he spoke on his phone.

Wait a moment.

She's a woman.

She might be acquainted with me.

"Is one of you Vixen?", Samuel spoke without a second thought.

"Sam, buddy, I think you worked too much," Priscilla blinked, her mouth remained agape.

The night was more tiring than he expected. Between scurrying away serving customers, stopping drunk people from fighting, or having sex on the dancefloor to dealing with an underaged crowd having their night ruined because of their intelligibility to enter a club.

"Remind me to wear looser pants, I'm tired of having my ass groped," Cameron sighed, coming back from his phone call, "I don't even have that much of a booty."

"I was just about to say that," Samuel smirked.

Cameron was the one who had to avoid crowds of both men and women. Samuel did get a lot of requests for his phone number or women straight up making a move on him, but a short, frail man with a glare that could kill was a bull's eye for certain people.

"Oh honey, we have to deal with this every day," Candace chortled.

"Sometimes, I just want to chop their arms off," Priscilla unlocked her purple jeep, letting the three of them enter.

Samuel didn't know what enveloped him more, exhaustion or curiosity, but what he knew was that this feeling would mess up his conception of time because now he was standing in front of his mirror, styling his hair, currently two in the afternoon.

The temperature was getting lower each hour, the cold weather warning the people of Michigan that a blizzard was approaching.

A lot of shops and local businesses had already closed down, the bigger ones remaining open as they benefitted from their buildings that had air conditioning.

"The thrill from yesterday is gone," Samuel mumbled, placing his lighter in the motorcycle jacket that he wore over a hoodie. He marched over to his bedroom, seizing a pair of gloves.

He descended the stairs, glancing at the flower pots on the left side of the patio, just beside Seiko's front door, obviously preparing himself for the future. Licking his dry lips, he started Queenie, mumbling to himself, "Groceries."

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