Choices need to be made

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"Come on. It's not like I'm randomly going on a killing rampage. Besides I was only doing that because I needed cash," Priscilla scoffed.

"And what was her reaction?", curiosity sparkled in Samuel's eyes.

"God. She thought I was joking at first but she took it surprisingly well. She said that she's 100% sure that this doesn't change anything about me," the woman chuckled, kicking a stone as they continued their way to their residence, "She trusts me way too much."

"But did it?", the man inquired, to which he received a confused look back, "Did it change something about you?", he repeated.

"I learned not to hesitate when acting and to avoid getting frustrated over minor accidents," she glanced at the man, "But also how to take lives and not get caught."

Samuel chuckled, "That's a good thing?"

"You're getting money out of it. Of course, it's good," Priscilla answered. "It's not like they weren't bad guys either," she rolled her eyes.

"If I understand correctly, you quit your job as an assassin and became a waitress because of your girlfriend?", the man inquired.

"That job was a one-time thing but, yeah, you can say that. Don't you want to keep your loved ones away from danger as much as possible?", the woman shrugged her shoulders.

"It's way easier to just not have anyone, don't you think?", he paused in front of their apartment.

Priscilla bit her lip. She couldn't say much about it. Compared to Samuel, she didn't work in an organization. This meant that information on other hitmen didn't reach her and vice versa. She didn't have to meet with her clients so her identity was hidden and completely anonymous since orders and payments were made online, and her life wasn't threatened since she didn't collaborate with anyone.

"Anyway. You got any deals lately?", the woman tried to move to a more comfortable topic as they both started to climb the stairs.

"Yeah. Tomorrow night. I have to clean my stuff," he whispered back, looking at the woman beside him."You know that if it gets out of your mouth, you're dead meat," He winked as Priscilla unlocked her door, as he continued his way up.

"I ain't no snitch," she chuckled.

"We'll see about that.", Samuel waved. "I have to go pick my baby up now," he hummed, unlocking his door.

He carefully laid the suit along with the three masquerade masks.

His first option was a black mask covering the eyes and top of the nose, with red horizontal ends blending out. It was simple, and he was sure that it wouldn't attract attention.

The second option was a similar design, except in a dark blue with golden floral designs. The mask was the most classical and chic compared to the others.

His last option had a completely different structure. Like all masquerade masks, it was only natural that the top part of the face would be covered. However, this one, on top of covering the eyes, covered half of the face, giving a sense of mystery and suspense to it. It was white with some golden floral decorations.

He had a hard time choosing, so he decided to open the suit's bag, his sight landing directly on the black suit in front of him. He squinted his eyes.

Classical clothing wasn't his type, but it wouldn't hurt him to wear a suit once in a while.

After taking his time to figure the style he wanted, he went with the white masquerade mask. He thought that wearing a mask contrasting to his suit would be a perfect match. However, he was certain that there would be show-offs there.

As a social gathering, especially a business one, impressions are very important, so the people attending it will put up their best attire in order to gather attention around them, opening their paths for contracts.

After packing the suit back in together with the chosen mask, Samuel glanced at the time. It was only a few minutes to ten and he decided to just lay on his couch, but before he did so he grabbed his phone to send a message.


You : I'm going to pick her up this afternoon. See you at 4

After checking that the text was successfully sent, he knocked his shoes off and laid on his sofa only to jolt back up again when he heard a knock on his door.

As strange as this might sound, the knock was faint. Almost like they didn't want to disturb him. He hesitantly made his way there and turned the knob to open the door.

In front of him stood Cameron who was glancing everywhere except at Samuel. " What a pleasant surprise," the older man smirked. "Didn't you ditch me at the bakery earlier? What brings you here?"

"Listen to me. I need help," Cameron bit his lips, eyes still averting from our main character.

"Uh- okay sure buddy what do you need?", Samuel smiled warmly at him.

"First you have to give me your word that'll you'll be honest about it," the younger man turned his face and stared into Samuel's eyes. "This is very important."

"Okay I will," the taller man rose one eyebrow. "You're starting to confuse me," he chuckled nervously.

"You have to come with me upstairs."

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