Blood Kin

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"Finally," Samuel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the outline of their apartment in the distance, "How long has it been?"

"I'd say the trip back took no more than one hour thirty," Priscilla pulled up in the parking lot of their yard, "I surely took my time."

"That was fun," Olivia hummed, unbuckling her seat belt, "Maybe we should go on a road trip," she opened her door, "I bet Nathaniel would have the time of his life too, and my parents could use some free air," she spoke.

"Ain't happening anytime soon though," the driver got out, opening the back door to allow Sam to get out while he carried his injured lover inside, "Not with those damn snowfalls approaching."

"Nearly forgot about that-" Samuel's attention was caught somewhere else, "Uhh, Anderson?"

"What's up, Thompson?", Priscilla blatantly replied, briefly checking that her car was locked.

"Did you leave your door unlocked by any chance?", the man finally spoke.

"No, who even does that-", she turned around, glancing at Sam before following the direction in which he was staring. She gasped; her front door was opened, and it was as clear as glass in her memory that she had locked it hours prior, "What the fuck?"

She scurried in the direction of her flat, the other characters following close behind. It was around nine in the morning, so surely it isn't a burglary; plus, wouldn't the other tenants have noticed an imposter? Priscilla's mind raced with questions, yet she had already made up her mind on one thing: Whoever was in there was about to remember this moment for the rest of their lives - the feeling of being tased is exceptionally scarring - exciting even for some.

"Do not act recklessly," Olivia spoke, climbing the stairs behind the Australian woman, feeling her muscles tense up.

"We'll see about that," Priscilla stood in front of her door, checking corners, before tiptoeing inside, motioning for her companions to follow her.

"What are you acting suspicious for?", a man walked from Priscilla's kitchen, his hand holding a coffee cup that had smoke coming out of it while the other was in his pants' pocket, "In your own home on top of that," he sighed. He was averagely built, looking older than our characters, clean shaved face with an Afro buzz cut, skin, as tanned as umber brown like his eyes, shiny with a golden tint as the light of morning peeked through the curtains.

He looked awfully familiar.

"Isaac?", the lack of stupefaction Priscilla showed revealed that she was acquainted with the man. Her eyebrows were furrowed, mouth slightly gaped, while she stared at him up and down, "The fuck are you doing here?"

"And that's how you greet your brother?", 'Isaac' replied, chuckling while extending his right hand for a handshake, "Long time no see, little sister."


The two consciously spectating characters thought. That explained everything except how he got in.

"Don't call me 'sister'," Priscilla hissed, "How the fuck did you get in?"

"We were copied and pasted from the same womb Cilla," Isaac grinned, "Your landlord is a respectable man."

"Oh so merry and joyful reunions, I'm sorry," Samuel started yet paused, making his way to Priscilla's bathroom, "But my boyfriend over here needs some attendance, so I'll leave you both to your chitchat and borrow your bathtub which I don't have hence my obligation to help myself," he left, his voice resonating from the other room, "Olivia, my dear friend, please lend me a hand," he yelled.

"Since when are you so posh," Olivia whispered, making the Andersons chuckle in unison.

Our families were super religious. My older brother was the worst.

"Why is that guy here?", Samuel whispered, taking Cameron's turtleneck off, making him squirm in his lap, "Hold on sleeping beauty, it'll only take a minute," he patted his head, pushing some strands of his crisp hair behind his ear.

"And how am I supposed to know?", Olivia watched as the fabric reluctantly slid off of the slumbering man's torso, his skin glued to the clothes as his open, still bloody flesh stuck to it. She frowned, looking up to see Samuel bearing the same expression of worry, "Let me help you," she kneeled, grabbing Cameron's waist and holding his weight as he leaned on her, making it easier for Samuel to carefully opt the garment.

Once it was finally off, his bare chest was revealed. His pale skin was tainted by patches of blood, the side of his body scrapped off. Although it wasn't a pleasant sight, it could've been much worse if it weren't for the thick clothes that he wore.

"I heard he's not so happy-happy about the whole ssame-sex thing," Samuel pondered on whether he should take his pants off in front of Olivia.

"And you just had to roll your tongue and announce that he's your boyfriend, didn't you?", Olivia shook her head, smiling uncontrollably when the man nodded vigorously.

"You know me by now, Olive," he hummed, his hand still on the other man's belt.

"Go ahead and take it off," Olive suggested.

"Don't you think it'll hurt his pride as a man?"

"Sam, I'm here to help clean his wounds, not to stare at his 'you know what', let alone judge it-"

"I appreciate the concern on both sides, but-", Cameron, once again woken up unexpectedly, took in his surroundings before he paused, "I can do it myself," he attempted to get up.

"Get your ass down mister and shut up," Olivia pressed her hands on his shoulder to keep him down, getting up to start the bath, "Acting like you're all that when you know damn well you can't even sit straight."

The men stared at her.

"Olivia?", Sam stuttered, "Olivia what happened to your language?", he inquired, taken aback by the sudden shift in her tone.

"Ask your boyfriend," she mocked, turning on the hot water, "Him and his solo mindset piss me off sometimes."

Samuel stared at her, looked down at his speechless mouth aagapelover, glanced back at her again and chuckled, "Glad we're on the same page."

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