Chpt 50: A Date At The Carnival!

Start from the beginning

Dice thought of something to wear. Something fun but also classy. As he was staring at his closet for a few minutes, he realized that this was basically their first date! At a carnival too! That's unique! He picked out simple, white long sleeves, with dark trousers and a long coat. He didn't bother putting on makeup since they won't be going somewhere formal, but he still looks good without it. He doesn't need makeup, the makeup needs him.

After he finishes getting ready, he went back to the office, some of the crew noticed him but were too busy to ask where he was going. He opened the door and saw the Devil wearing a white coat with fluffs around the neck and inside the hood, it was a little big on him, making it look like he was wearing a turtle neck. He was also disguised as a goat, making him appear smaller. It was nearly December, and it was getting really cold, makes sense why they wore coats. But seeing Dev with clothes is a rare sight.

"Aww~ you look cute~" Dice complimented making the Devil blush as he looked at him from head to toe. 'Seeing him so small like that makes me wanna pick him up and shower him with kisses', he thought "Y-you look lovely.." He shyly said, hearing Dice's thoughts, Dice chuckled at this. The embarrassment was overwhelming the demon a little, cursing under his breath because of Dice, and how he looks really good. How his clothes show off his curves behind the coat he was wearing. And the color of choice was really nice. He rushed to his side and took his hand so they can leave and Dice would stop staring at him already "Let's go!"

The walk to the carnival was pretty quick since it was just around Isle two. It was cold and the people around them were friendly, especially the kids. Seems like they really want to be on Santa's nice list this year.

When they arrived, Dev still wonders why they were here out of all places. He can hear people's screams, but not out of fear, out of excitement "What is that they're riding?" Dev asks "Oh, that's a roller coaster! Did ya never ride one before?"
"I've seen it on the news, but no. Never even been here before"
Dice let out a dramatic gasp "You should try it!! It will be fun!!" Dice encouraged with the widest grin, lightly pulling on Dev's arm.

When they got on to the ride and fasten the seat belts, Dice can't help but feel nervous. He doesn't want to admit it, but he has a tiny fear of heights because it makes him feel small and light-headed, but he really wants Dev to experience it, so for him, he'll survive. He looked over at his lover, who was curiously looking around, his tiny tail swaying with it. Oh, it was so cute! Then the ride started moving, seems like the demon was excited. The coaster slowly moved up, higher, and higher and higher, like Dice's anxiety. He bit his lip and gripped the chair tightly, looking straight ahead "Whoaa!! We're so high up!!" Dev's eyes sparkle in anticipation "Haha..! Yeah! Y-you ready for the big drop?" Dice tries hiding it with a smile. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his, giving him some comfort from this ride "Pfft- Dice, I know you're afraid of heights"
"Oh good because– oOH FCK WE ARE SO HIGH UP!!!" Dev only laughs at his lover as he grips his hands tightly. The ride started to move again "Hahaha!! Here we goo!!!"  "WAAHHHHHH!!!"

Once they got off the ride, Dice sat down on a near bench "Sht, I thought I was going to die–" He mumbled to himself, his body trembling in fear and adrenaline. But hearing the Devil's childish chuckles and seeing his bright smile was worth it "Hehe!! That was so thrilling!! I regret not coming here before!!" Yes, it was totally worth it "Oh!! Dice! Look!!" He pointed at a different ride, one with a really big ship, swaying back and forth "I wanna go there next!!" Dice chuckled and stood up next to him, feeling a bit better "Alright! Let's go then!!"

Their day was filled with fun rides, new sweet treats, hats, and pictures. They had a blast! Showing their playful, childish energy that they never show in the casino made them feel alive and free! Dice managed to not throw up on the rides and Dev kept buying stuff that he finds interesting.

"Want to try this one?" Dice showed a very bright-looking cloud on a stick "What's this?" Dev curiously poked the candy "It's cotton candy!" The little goat took a bite but regretted it almost instantly "Eww, it's too sweet.." He complained "Haha!! Yeah, it's pure sugar" Dice gently placed his hand on Dev's cheek, wiping some sugar that managed to cling onto his fur "There, all clean!" Smiling brightly at him. The demon couldn't help but stare at his beautiful smile, red blush dusted on his face, eyes a little wide. It was like he was brighter than the sun behind him, it was.. Breathtaking.

As the day went on, Dice ended up wearing a headband with fluffy bunny ears on them, a few stickers on his clothes, holding a half-eaten treat and he was wearing some cool shades. While Dev was carrying a small, devil bear, three necklaces with fun colors, and badges that he won from playing games while drinking a soda.

"Dice lookkk!!!" Dev pointed to a small train that goes round and round on its tiny little rails. It was a price on one of the stalls that requires you to aim a gun and shoot 10 targets. Dev excitedly rushed over with Dice behind him "Oh! What price are you after?" Devil pointed at the train "That one!! It's adorable!" The train made a choo choo sound making him gasp in admiration "And it makes a sound!! I have to get it!!" Dice paid so Dev could play "Alright, good luck Dev!" The demon proudly smirks. He thought it was going to be easy, but just like every game in this carnival, it was rigged. But this one was extra rigged.

It was like the ball was made to curve when hitting the target so it would miss! Or the plastic gun wasn't even working at all! And tho Dev was determined as ever, he eventually, gave up once he received continuous fails. He leans on Dice's shoulders, a little gloomy and tired "Diicceeee..!!" He fake cried "I couldn't get the train!!" Dice placed his hand on his shoulder "The games here are pretty rigged though, it wasn't your fault! It's just business for them after all" Dice gently rubs his shoulder, while the demon slumps against his chair "Ugghh!!! I'm going to burn this whole damn carnival to the ground!!"  "Please don't." Devil noticed something big a little far from them. It was spinning in a slow manner, and it looked like a big plate..? "Dice!! What's that??" He pointed at the Ferris wheel "And why is it moving so slowly?" Dice took a bite of his treat "That's a Ferris wheel! And it's made to be slow and relaxing, the view from up there would look lovely right now" The sun was slowly setting, hiding behind the horizon "Let's go there!"

They stepped into the Ferris wheel and were surprised at how spacious the room looked. They sat across from each other and waited for the ride to move. There was a comfortable silence between them, both were a little tired from all of the fun they had, and they were like exhausted little children. Dice looked outside, the clouds were getting dark "Dice" This caught the man's attention, seeing his lover looking over the horizon "Thank you for bringing me here, I had a lot of fun!" He smiled at him "Especially that I got to spend it with you.."

His smile softened. And the view was beautiful, it was perfect. The gentle light bounced to different places, like a painting with amazing lighting "I'm glad you enjoyed our little date, hehe!" They slowly reached the very top. The demon changes their seat so he can seat right next to Dice. He leans on his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful time together, because they know that soon enough, they will be going back home, back to the Casino "Tired?" Dice softly spoke, wrapping his arm around his lover to support his body "Mhm.." He received a gentle kiss on his forehead. Dev looked up, a pout and a blush on his face "You missed" Dice let out a chuckle, before leaning in to kiss his lips. Devil melted to the kiss, deepening it ever so gently. They shared a passionate kiss before pulling away, staring lovingly into each other's eyes "I love you so much.." He placed a hand on his fluffy cheek "I love you more~"

I made sure to put extra sugar and
c h e e s e  on this one! Hope ya enjoyed it!

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