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Ulty teleported to the antivoid where the battle between Virus404 and Error404 was raging. Ulty will first save the game so he could reload the save if he died in the battle. He launched into the attack but as soon as he entered the whirlwind of blows coming from the two he was immediately thrown away. Neither of them had even come close to his presence, it was just ... insignificant ...

In the distance he saw two sans, he recognized omnipotent sans but there was also a completely white sans that was not present in Ink's book.

Everything Sans: Come on, enjoy the show ...

Ulty sat down next to omnipotent who didn't seem to like his presence.

U: Why are you here?

Ev: Someone has to fix the mess they're making ... and that is always up to me ...


Ulty noticed a small glitch that was appearing a few meters away, it was getting bigger and bigger and was slowly taking the shape of a soul.

Ulty teleported completely ignored by the two sans and approached the soul, pulled out his knife and thrust forcefully into the heart draining the energy.

Immediately he felt flooded with strength and wisdom, in a few moments he became omnipotent and omniscient, or almost ..

He had absorbed the soul of Omni404, the only being that appeared in Ink's book without any certain information, only theories: "Born by the fight of 2 code titans, will rule the multiverse..." Now he was able to fully see and change the code to his own will, he felt... UNSTOPPABLE!

Now there were three sanses fighting: Error404 which had taken the form of JUST404, Virus404 in its final form and B666. Ulty threw himself into the fray and something happened he never expected ...

As soon as he hit JUST404 his skull shattered, Error404's code tried to scatter across the multiverse to regenerate but Ulty completely eliminated it before it could happen. He defeated with the same simplicity Virus404, B666 and omnipotent who in the meantime had become embroiled in the fight, then absorbed them.

Ev: Uh, it's the first time I've seen something like this happen ... who are you?

U: I'm ULTY!

Everything sans and Ulty began to fight, neither could die, both transcended the physical form of this dimension but between the two there was only one difference: only one of them had the power to absorb the other. After an endless battle Ulty finally absorbed Everything sans. He was strong enough to complete his mission, but he wanted MORE! Now his rise to power was child's play, no one could oppose his strength and even if they managed to defeat him he would reset and then try again, and again, and again until his mission was completed.

Shortly after the multiverse and the Godverse were completely lifeless. The multiverse tryed a final defense but they couldn't do anything.

At the end only 2 beings had survived the massacre: Ulty and the human ...

Ulty tortured the human physically and psychologically by exploiting his more unique power, a power that none of the beings that preceded him had ever acquired, the power to manipulate and merge different dimensions by destroying and manipulating reality itself at will.

The other "powerfull" beigns simply exploited reality to intimidate the opponent, it was a kind of game of mirrors, a deception .. Ulty on the other hand could manipulate reality, he didn't have to obey any rules.

He continued sperimenting with hi newfound powers and finally, when he felt satisfied, he snapped his fingers .. And everything... RESETTED.

Ulty: the creation of a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now