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Ashes entered the strange space city, it was an AU he hadn't visited yet but who already had obvious signs of attacks from other beings.

?: Hey you, you don't know how to greet a new friend?

Ashes heard that sentence so many times ... Outersans approached Ashes with sure-footed and defiant gaze.

O: Are you another one of those Sans who tried to destroy our AU? 

A: Do you know what an Au is?

O: Yes, now answer me, did you come to cause any trouble?

A: No, I'm just looking for shelter, a place where no one can find me, who are the Sans who attacked you?

O:The one who nearly killed me had black streaks running down his eyes ...

A: His name was Killer

O: WAS his name?

A: I killed him, him and his boss, but there are other Sanses who are interested in your destruction.

O: Why did you ask me for help instead of threatening me?

A: Because I'm not a sadist, I just do what I have to do.

Outer pointed to a large asteroid passing overhead just then.

O: That should be big enough to build a base, the craters form a deep and intricate cave system, try not to dig too much, now its speed and mass allow it to stay close enough to the  planet to stay in its gravitational field and far enough to not endanger us.

A: Don't worry, in that case I'll just rewind time ...

O: Can you do that?

A: Hehe, no, thank you!

Ashes turned in his typical dark shards and laumched himself in the direction of the asteroid while Outer looked at him in disbelief.

He arrived on the surface of his new base, the centrifugal force of the asteroid created a kind of apparent gravity, although it was lighter than what he was used to be it was good enought. He found a crater, entered it and entered a rather narrow channel that seemed to lead back to a cave.  After crawling for almost 3 minutes he finally came out in a very particular cave, it was full of bright stones that illuminated it with the various colors of the rainbow.  Actually the stones weren't colored, they were transparent stones that split the luminous spectrum of the light that penetrated through the small crevices in the ceiling.

A: Not exactly what I was looking for but I will make it fit.

He found an almost flat, he expanded the area even more by moving the crystals, taking care not to damage them, he used his black matter to create a foundation without any slope, he created support structures by trying to calculate their weight, finally he created a bed, a relax area and a weapons room

A: Very good!

Ashes took a pile of rocks equal to the weight of the newly built structure and threw it out of the asteroid.  Then he lay down on the bed and rested for the first time in a lot of time.

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