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A few hours had passed, Outer was gone and Ashes was fine, he had gone back to leafing through Ink's book in search of the next prey. Then one Sans in particular caught his attention: Hate sans.

"Because Sans was one of the few monsters in the underground who can remember resets, every time the human performed a reset, Sans began to hate the human more. Due to Sans's hatred, Hate Sans was created. from the pure hatred and the magic of Sans, as well as the magic of the underground. "

Ashes continued to read more and more intrigued.

"He can't be touched or harmed if he doesn't want to, due to his smoke-like body, this saves him from physical attacks, while some magical attacks damage him."

A: Bingo, just what I need!

Ashes teleported to Hatetale, the Au was very similar to Undertale only it was ... uninhabited ... just like Dusttale.


He heard a noise from the depths of the forest as two red eyes opened out of the darkness.

Hate turned into smoke and flew to Ashes who summoned Gaster Blasters that hit him in full. But Hate wasn't damaged.

H: Did you really think that-

Ashes, while hate was busy talking, took his soul with the Blue magic and access his code.

A: Well well, this part is very interesting ...

Ashes selected a portion of Hate's code and copied it into his own.

A: And otherwise you are useless.

H: What?

Ashes completely eliminated Hate's code by making it disappear into thin air.

A: Too easy...

Ashes returned to his base, unaware that he had made a huge mistake. A few hours passed and Ashes started and felt strange: he seemed to be lighter and his vision was improving, not that he could see badly before, but now he could read tiny things that were more than 30 meters away from him.

A: Wait-

His voice had changed too, it had become hoarser and heavier, plus it also had a strange distorting effect.

Ashes immediately ran to the mirror to look at himself, the hood of the sweatshirt threw shadows all over his face but when he decided to take it off Ashes did not know how to react. His head had become pure darkness, only his eyes could be seen which had turned a very bright purple which were like beacons in the night.

A: Well, I didn't expect this, it's the first time that by stealing someone's powers I also change my appearance .... But I didn't steal Hate's powers, I stole his code!

By the time the transformation ended Ashes's body had gone completely gaseous and for some reason he seemed even more clouded (although skeletons theoretically have no muscles). Ashes was shocked at first, but then he also started seeing good in it. There was only one small problem: he no longer recognized himself.

A: I, I'm not Ashes, not anymore! Ashes is the desperate Sans who helped Error try to defeat the human the wrong way! I am now a God! A God who kills Gods! I'm tired of calling myself Ashes, from now on I will need a definitive name, which will remain forever! Ultimate, Ultimate Ashes Sans, which can be shortened to Ulty. YES, now I find myself much more in this new name, but I also have to change my style, I'm still wearing the sweatshirt I had when I was Classic Sans!

Ashes, no, Ulty conjured up a mannequin on here then created clothes. The first suit was all-metal armor, with vents from which Ulty could let excess gas escape.

  The first suit was all-metal armor, with vents from which Ulty could let excess gas escape

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But he didn't like it, too heavy and it wasn't his style.

This time he summoned another even darker metal armor, but this time it was more like an assassin's armor, lightweight that didn't restrict movement. On the second try it was already almost perfect, he just wanted to change something ...

 He put purple spikes on the metal plate of his left forearm, then colored the details in purple to break the monotony, added a pair of shoulder pads and a pair of knee pads

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He put purple spikes on the metal plate of his left forearm, then colored the details in purple to break the monotony, added a pair of shoulder pads and a pair of knee pads. Finally he slightly changed the shape of the hood making it more pointed.

(Sorry but I don't have a picture of the modified armor, you'll have to make a stretch of the imagination!)

Perfect, now only the weapons were missing, he had every intention of exaggerating! He first wore a chestband with 7 throwing kunai as purple as his eyes, then used a sheat hidden behind his cloak to insert the sword of darkness that had been his first and best weapon, then created a small gap under the wrist into which he inserted a second blade shorter than the sword but longer than a knife.

The peculiarity of the two swords is that they could be hooked together to become a quadruple-bladed sword (2 for each end). He also armored the cloak to provide additional protection from back stabs. Finally he practiced creating chains from the back with his dark magic, he decided that the right number was 4 pairs and they could be useful for piercing or simply grabbing the enemy. Each link in the chain also had small razor-sharp blades that made the chains also cutting weapons with which you could first grab the prey and then let it pass the most painful 6 seconds of its life.

His transformation was complete, now he was ready to face Error404!

Ulty: the creation of a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now