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Ulty was messing around in his new base, the study area blackboard was covered with photocopies of the pages from Ink's book, especially those representing the most powerful Sanses. King Multiverse, Alpha sans, Virus 404, Error 404 and a theory by Ink on a certain Omni 404.

His plan was simple, he wanted to ally with all the enemies of Error404 to be able to fight it all together, the problem is that he had no idea where to find Virus 404 and he would have to settle for King Multiverse for now ...

He saved the game with the power of determination and went to visit King Multiverse. He found him sitting on his throne, it was identical to the description in the book:

"The right half of his body is black with a thin neon purple blood marrow in it. The left half is plain white."

Km: And you? Who would you be?

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Km: And you? Who would you be?

U: My name is Ulty and I came to propose an alliance to you

Km: And for what exactly? I am the king of the multiverse, what more should I want?

U: I want to help you defeat Error404!

Km: Hey! Lower your voice, HE hears us.

U: Aren't you tired of always having to be under his control like a stupid pawn doing what he wants? because you are the king of the multiverse but he has elected himself God.

Km: And do you think that I will fight against my master just because a being comes to ask me to form an alliance? I don't think so ... Plus I have heard that you have given numerous problems to my subjects, especially to Error and Ink.

U: They are the ones who have given me problems! And if you really don't want to help me at least tell me about Virus404!

Km: WHAT !?

Km began to evoke chains from various space-time openings, Ulty prepared by evoking his chains that seemed insignificant by comparison.

Km: I'm not going to let you destroy the peace and balance of the multiverse by bringing that psycho being back just because you want to get Error404 out of your way!

Km conjured from two portals Ink and Error.

I: What do you need?

Km pointed to Ulty

I: Him? But-

E: No but, let's get that son of a bitch!

Error sprinted in the direction of his enemy summoning lots of bones and gaster blasters but before he could even launch an attack he was pierced in 8 different points by Ulty's chains who in the meantime remained impassive, as if he had crushed an insect with his slipper. He threw Error at Ink who picked it up and set it on the ground.

Km: Interesting, Ink, don't let me down!

I: Don't worry, I have a friend!

Ink took a purple vial and threw it on the ground, from this bottle came a being that Ulty had never even seen in Ink's book.

Ulty: the creation of a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now