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Dust woke up on a pouf, everything around him was white except for some blue ropes hanging from the ceiling.  He gets up and starts walking towards the one thing he could see different from everything else: a black dot in the distance.  The closer he got, the more he realized that it wasn't just a point, but someone, someone sitting on a pouf like the one he woke up on ... Could it be the human?

He came up ready to attack but then realized it wasn't a human, it was a skeleton and it was overly similar to him.

D: Hey!  Who are you?

E: You're finally awake ...

The black skeleton turned and Dust was shocked.  It looked just like him, a photocopy, only it was black with blue strings sticking out of his eyes.

D: Who are you?  A secret cousin of mine?

E: Wha- NO!  I'm Error, Error Sans!

D: Sans?

E: Yes I know it might be difficult to understand at first but you and I are an alternate version of the original Sans.

D: Original Sans?

E: Yes, you too were an original Sans, until you started your genocide to stop the human, from then on you became Dust Sans.

D: Dust?  Is that what you call me?  I'm just Sans or if you want Murder Sans ...

E: NO, you're Dust, get over it!

D: ...

E: Actually, you aren't even Dust anymore!  Now that I have saved you from your AU you are no longer Dust, you have to choose a new nickname!

D: Wow, that's a lot of stuff to assimilate ...And how many other alternative versions of the original sans are there?

E: Too many, far too many, and that's why I saved you.  You have to help me, you have to help me destroy the AU!

D: Wait, you're asking me to destroy my alternate versions?

E: Like you they are stuck in an endless loop of death and suffering, I just want to put an end to this!

D: ... ok ...

E: So will you help me?

D: It depends, what should I do?

E: Kill

D: What?

E: I don't want any hassle while I destroy the AU, you just have to take out all the distractions so I will complete my goal and you will earn more XP and Love to defeat the human.

D: Wait, is the human still alive?

E: he is in the dormant phase, but I'm sure that damn Ink will have already saved him as I have saved you!

D: Ink?

E: My nemesis, the protector of the Au, the one you have to keep away from me!

D: So I have to kill him?

E: You would like to do it!  He is much stronger than you, you cannot defeat him, but you can keep him at bay until I finish my job!


E: So, have you thought about your new nickname?

Q: How about Ashes?

E: Very badass, I like it, you will also have to change your look a bit to stand out from the others

Ashes: I don't want to change my look!

E: Well, I have to recognize you so get it in your head that you have to change your look!

A: A scarf

E: what?  No, they all have it!  I've have it, Ink has it-

A: Ok, ok, I get it ... so something similar... a bandana?

E: Those that cover the face?  Like those of the ninja?

A: Only the bottom part!

E: Ok!  Black?

A: Yes!

E: Is this okay?

A: Perfect!

Ashes put it on and immediately felt a familiar feeling that reassured him.

E: It looks good, get ready because you are already about to jump into action!

A: What do you mean?

E: We are going to Underswap!

Ashes's bandana image:

Ashes's bandana image:

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