Divine training

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Virus 404 and Ulty exited the portal and found themselves in a completely black empty space with green and red numbers running in the background.

V404: Welcome to the code, or at least the "safe" part of the code ..

U: Safe part?

V404: Yes, we will not damage it here during your training

U: Training?

V404: I have seen you fight, you are much stronger than you think.  I will teach you to completely manipulate the code and to create "Macros" that will automate the process, I will teach you how to use your physical and magical powers ..

M: And why?

V404: Because I have to merge with infected sans first to defeat Error404, never heard of?

U: To enter your "Overkill" phase

V404: Exactly, I will need it to defeat Error404's butterfly mode ... But you will have to help me defeat infected ...

U: Ok, so where do we start?

V404: The code, you are able to copy it to create your own clones but you have always forgotten about it ... Now I will create you a macro, you just have to activate it and you will summon your own shadow clone.

Virus404 put his hand on the ground and the numbers that were previously green began to turn red.

V404: Ok, you just have to try ..

Ulty took a while, using that power was like trying to move a part of your body you don't have, it takes a lot of imagination but after a few attempts he managed to summon a clone of his for a few seconds, only this clone was completely dark, even the purple markings on his armor had turned completely black and had a smoke-like texture exactly like Ulty, only the armor was not a dress but an integral part of the entity.

The shadow clone stood still for a few seconds and then disappeared

U: It doesn't seem very useful ...

V404: You still have to learn how to use it but it will take some time, you will have to learn to coordinate your movements with his, two bodies commanded by a single soul, I know that copying your code exactly as it is seems easier but there would be no understanding between you and your double ...

U: So I have to learn how to move it?

V: Move it, make it attack, make it disappear and appear at will ... it's all a matter of training ...

U: ok ...

V: Now I will teach you to make the most of your gaseous composition, as you will have noticed it is very comfortable not to be hit by physical attacks but at the same time your punch hurts as much as a puff of steam in the face ... it does not work ...

U: So?

V: Well now you prefer your gaseous version but you haven't lost your ability to manipulate metal sand, reinforce the parts of the body you are about to strike with to increase their weight and strength!

U: OK, I think I can do it .. more?

V: Much more!  You are made of dark gas but you can also manipulate it.

Virus404 conjured up a dummy in the shape of Error404

V: Use your power, summon a tornado of gas and make the bastard fly

It took Ulty a while to figure out how to do it but slowly under the mannequin a small vortex of air and gas began to form which began to get bigger and bigger

V: Faster!

Ulty spun the gas as fast as he could and the miniature tornado began to grow much faster.  Within seconds, the mannequin had already been completely engulfed in the tornado.  Ulty had to anchor himself to the ground with chains so as not to be sucked into the tornado while Virus 404 did not cared about the extremely powerful wind

V: Even bigger, come on, with this dwarf tornado you will never kill a god.

The dark tornado continued to grow until it stopped about 400 meters high.

V: 423 meters high with winds up to 540 knots!  Stronger than a natural tornado!  I knew it was a good idea.  It should be enough!

Ulty stopped summoning gas and the mammoth tornado dissolved in less than a second, returning calm.

V: it was so cool!  I told you you had to learn it, and I still have so much to teach you!

Ulty was stunned, from the description of Km Virus404 must have been a crazy psychopath, but he was… nice?  One thing was sure, without him he would have continued to use only a small percentage of his power.

The two continued to train for days, Ulty learned to perfectly control his shadow clone and began experimenting with new techniques with shape changes, gas manipulation and portals.  Now he had even more confidence in his abilities.

V: Well, are you ready for your final test?!


V: Try to beat me!

U: Are you kidding me?

V: Don't worry I won't kill you, at most I'll hurt you a little ...

Virus 404 summoned its Omega Blasters and aimed them straight at Ulty.  When he fired Ulty summoned blasters to protect himself but the blasters were disintegrated and Ulty was hit hard.

V: You forget your origins! sanses don't stand damage, they dodge attacks, don't forget your origins!

Virus404 attacked again but again Ulty seemed to have stood still again ...

V: I told you-

A sharp but quite bearable pain pervaded Virus404's back.  Ulty had pierced him with the sword, his clone appeared in front of him and trapped the soul of Virus404 with the chains, then Ulty summoned a portal and made him fall inside it blocking with dark sand tentacles.  Then he summoned a tornado and hurled Virus404 into the air (who was not reacting to see what Ulty was capable of) and trapped him with the purple strings.

When Virus404 landed he decided to stop what was happening, he used his Total Warp ability to confuse Ulty and block him with blue Glitchate bones.

U: What ... what was that?

V: One of my many skills, you don't think you're strong enough to defeat me, do you?

U: No virus404

V: Call me Jack, it's my original name and few people know him ...

U: Okay, Jack.

V: So, can you explain to me how you managed to teleport so quickly after being hit by my blasters?

U: You never hit me, I teleported just before and hit you from behind.

V: Don't bullshit me, I hit you!

U: You didn't hit me, while teleporting I summoned a shadow clone exactly where I was, so you didn't hit me but my clone ...

V: Well, I never expected it ... Okay I'd say you're ready!

U: Let's get moving, Error404 will surely be planning something ...

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