The plan

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Ashes was wandering around AUs, slaughtering anyone he met on his way, exp was piling up, LV was going up and up, but the hope of defeating his enemy kept dwindling. Now the monsters he was killing no longer gave him enough power, he didn't need more hp, he needed the power to manipulate resets to stop the human once and for all. He needed to kill a being more powerful than him, but how? Ashes wanted to find a being, a god, with a weakness he could exploit to steal his powers.... But who knows all the entities in the multiverse so well?

 Suddenly, enlightenment: Ink... Okay but where could he find him, or rather, how could he get it to him? Ashes returned to the antivoid, he wanted to propose one last attack to Error, and in return he would put his enemy out of action for a while, instead he saw the scene he least expected: Error and Ink were on the couch watching TV in... Spanish? Why Spanish?

A: Error, but weren't you two enemies?

E: Every now and then we take a break from our work, why did you come back? Did you realize that you did something idiotic by leaving?

A: I was actually looking for Ink..

I: For what?

A: Let's not talk about it here, when you're done I'll wait for you in Underswap.

Ashes opened a portal to Underswap and left.

E: What do you think his intentions are?

I: I don't know. His thirst for power doesn't tell me anything good....

E: Yes but believe me he is also easy to manipulate, you offer him a job in exchange for exp and he will do what you want.

I: ...

Ashes waited a few hours sitting on a snowdrift when Ink finally arrived.

A: I'm here!

Ink beamed at him, blocking him with blue bones and pointing his big, his throat.

A: is this how you creators make deals? not a very functional method....

Ashes teleported behind Ink taking some damage from the blue bones and with a kick threw him onto the snow pile he was sitting on earlier.

A: I want to talk not fight, so sit down and listen to what I have to say!

I: ... I'll give you two minutes

A: I'm looking for a god to defeat to absorb his powers....

I: Like me?

A: Yes but not you..

I: Then who?

A: Error404?

I: Don't make me laugh-wait, are you serious? He will crush you like a bug....

A: Okay, okay, that's where you come in, you're the "protector of the Au," you should also know them well, I'm offering you an opportunity that could never come again: You tell me the name of someone you want dead, their weaknesses, anything that might help me fight them and I'll do the dirty work.

Ink had to think about it for a while but then agreed, opened a portal and entered it, Ashes followed. He found himself in the kitchen of a brightly lit house.

I: This is our "home base"

A: And what are we doing here?

I: Well...

At that moment Dream entered the same room


I: Don't worry, we have a deal.

Ulty: the creation of a monster (OUTDATED!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ