The Message

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Lizzie's POV
"Alright thank you so much Paul and Elizabeth for your time today. Guys, don't forget to watch Scarlet Witch movie at your nearest Theatre!" with that, our interview finally done after so many questions being asked to us.

To be honest, Paul help me so much as I couldn't focus much on the interview. All I could think of is y/n. Thinking she will wake up alone without me or Yelena.

"Liz?" I snap back from my trance as Paul call me. "yeah, sorry Paul. You were saying?" I smile shyly. "you sure you okay? You look lost the whole day." he ask concern. "I don't know Paul. Since y/n happened, I.....I lost. I scared.....I scared I might loose her." I sigh heavily. I'm not gonna lie I've been a mess this last three years.

"Elizabeth, look at me." I then look at the tall blonde. "Take a break, I'm sure Kevin will understand. You will fly to London soon and I'm sure your character is way more depressing than this one. Sue me even though it's the same one." we both chuckle. "take as much rest as you like and come back stronger. y/n wouldn't want you to be like this. She left you something is it?" my eyes then darted at my wrist.

I've been wearing the bracelet since she gave me three years ago. I've never open it. She said I can open once I'm ready. Guess too busy taking care of her. "yeah, will do as you say Mr." I roll my eyes. "don't worry about this. I'll handle it. You go do your thing." he then pull me into a long hug.

"Thank you so much Paul. I need this." we then pull out and he kiss my head. "Nothing to thank me for. y/n asked me to take a good care of you and I did what I can. Always remember Lizzie, she's always here with us even though not physically." I smile weakly at his words. It's true. She is everywhere. Always.

We then parted our ways and decide to give Kevin a call. After long talks, he give me a month break before I start my scenes in London for my new Marvel movie. Yeah phase six nearly done and my character is one of the most important now. I know I can't thank him enough for giving me the chance but knowing how close we both, he doesn't hesitate. y/n really charm everyone she met.

I make my way home as I feel comfortable to listen her messages and Robbie is out with his band. He is always there whenever I need him. He said, if he left me alone, y/n will kick his ass. Stupid girl. I enter her room we made just for her to crash on. I smell her scent and it calms me. I then reach my wrist. "Elizabeth Chase Olsen." I said my full name and suddenly appear a figure I've been meaning to hug. (y/n's words will be in italic)

'Hey, Chase. It's been a while. I assume it's either I'm laying on the hard bed again or gone for good. I rather the first option though. You know, meeting you for the first time at the cafe, was magical. To be honest? I could just ignore....but I don't. My gut tells me that I should help you.

I admit throwing one of the cameras and punch that guy was a bit harsh but I didn't regret that. Not even a little. Since then, we've been so close to each other. I promise myself I will protect you at any cost. You're one of my priorities. Always Chase.

I know I always came back with me laying unconscious from all the battles I faught. You always there for me. Stay. Always until I wake up. I'm sure you still do until now. Thank you. I appreciate it so much. You're the best thing that happen to me after.....Nat.

She's gone. I mad at her for not saying a proper goodbye to me, to us. Especially the grandpa. Haha....Thank you Chase. I don't know how many time I said it but yeah, still say it. If I was there, I would pull you into the longest hug I could ever give.

Don't stop doing what you love Olsen just because I'm not there with you. I want you to move forward. Don't cry because of me. Don't you dare especially on my funeral. If I had one. I want you to smile for me, cause your smile made my day Liz. Everytime.

I love you with all my heart. I want you to know that. Elizabeth, you will always have a special place in my heart. Both you and Tom. Promise me, take less depressing characters. I hate seeing you moody all day cause you will drag me off my bed to give you your favourite coffee and stay in your trailer until you finish filming.

Can you please take care of Morgan for me? I know she's a bit of handful sometimes but she's a lovely girl. I don't want her to suppress all her feelings like me. She needs someone that she can relate to besides mom and dad. Not everything we can share with our parents right? God why I feel like I'm really dying right now.

All my music are for you guys. Tell the twins they can use whenever they want. Especially Pietro. I have to go Chase. They need me. Wish me luck! Love you, always Chase.'

I pull my legs up to my chest sobbing really hard listening to her message. "I love you too idiot." I said to myself.

Suddenly I feel someone wrapped their arms around me, pulling me to their chest

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Suddenly I feel someone wrapped their arms around me, pulling me to their chest. "Let it out Lizzie. It's okay." it was Tom. "I miss her so much Tom. When she will wake up? I can't stand this waiting game anymore. I need her." I sobbing at his chest. "I know Liz, we all want her to wake up. Now it's all up to her. She will wake up soon, like always." we stay there until I fall asleep.

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