I'm Back!

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James's POV
I immediately fly back to the compound when Steve told me y/n's been injured taking down The Red Room. Now me, Steve and Sam in the quinjet.

"she's gonna be fine buck. She's tough." Steve try to calm my nerves. "I miss her. It's been almost a year since The Accord and when I got news she's taking down the place she went through, I just....worried." I sigh heavily. Steve hold my shoulder tightly and give a reassuring smile.

After few long hours ride, I run to the medical wing and see y/n laying on the medbay peacefully. I walk to her bed and grab her hand with my right hand. "Hey Dash, it's me. I'm here. Hope you wake up soon kid. I miss you." I kiss her forehead and tuck her.

"Mr Barnes?" I turn to see a short black brownish wavy hair with neat beard boy leaning at the door. "hey kid. You look...different." it was Pietro, the speedster who close to y/n. "Thanks! Both me and y/n exchanged our hair colour for you know, disguise." I nod smile softly at him.

"she's fine Mr Barnes, just few broken ribs from saving a friend and saving other widows back in Red Room." he said with reassuring. "Thanks kid for taking a good care of her. You can call me Bucky by the way. No need to be so formal." we both then laugh and stop when we hear small movements.

"erghh you both so noisy." we both run to her. She squint her eyes due to the lights and groan. "Hey, princess slowly." Pietro help her sit. "I go call the others." he then speed leaving us. "Hey James. It's been a year." she open her arms and I walk to her embrace. "it's been a year, Dash. I miss you damn much." I said still hugging her. We stay like that for 15 minutes before pull out.

"Nice arm." she trace her fingers through my black and gold metal arm. She then hold my metal hand while I sit beside her. "I'm no longer The Winter Soldier. It's The White Wolf now." I play with her fingers.

y/n's POV
"I'm no longer The Winter Soldier. It's The White Wolf now." I smile at him proudly. I cupped his face "I'm so proud of you James. That's a cool name you know." he just chuckle at my amusing. We catch up with each other until the rest come.

"Hey mom miss you so much." I hug her tightly not caring my injuries. "I miss you too honey. Don't worry about your dad, I will kick his ass later on." I giggle hearing she said in anger. "Alright just to let you know that I'm more worried about you than him." I chuckle. Then Natasha come and kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry malyshka" I kiss her cheek and shaking my head. "nope, nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault." I say with a soft smile.

"come here speedo." I open my arms and he speed into my embrace. "thank you P for helping me. You did great out there." he pulls out and ruffle my silver white hair. "how many times do I have to tell you princess, no problem on that. You're my bestfriend and I always will be there for you." I smile and hug him tightly.

I can go back to my room after a week on the hospital bed. It sucks. I need to stop being in there every time I'm in a fight. Everyone visiting me regularly including Tom and Lizzie. Both of them busy with their own projects. I miss having filming. Now I'm at my recording room after few days creating the melody and lyrics and it's a mix of malay and English in it. (you can search Sentiasa by Firdaus Rahmat on Spotify)

I wear my headphones on and start to strum the guitar.

Tak perlu sendiri
Kau tetap di sini
Lihat telus ke dalam mata ku
What do you see

Tak perlu bersedih
Aku kan di sini
Luahkan semua perasaan hati kamu
Ku tulis lagu
Buatmu bangun

So close your eyes
I’ll be there for you
I swear that it’s true
Sentiasa aku pinjamkan bahuku

So close your eyes
Akan kau tahu
Ku juga perlu
Sentiasa kamu pinjamkan bahumu

I sing with full emotions running through my mind. Yelena, James, Nat, Pietro.

Tak usah kau bimbang
Sinar pasti datang
Menerangi segala kemahuan kehendakmu
Kutulis lagu
Buatmu bangun

So close your eyes
I’ll be there for you
I swear that it’s true
Sentiasa aku pinjamkan bahu ku

So close your eyes
Akan kau tahu
Ku juga perlu
Sentiasa kamu pinjamkan bahu mu

As I finished, few applause were seen out of my clear glass window. It was Clint. "That's impressive kid! I might not know few of the lyrics, but the English one were deep." I hug him immediately. "Thanks hawkeye. It's called 'Sentiasa', which means always in malay. I guess putting some malay in there would be nice." I explain to him.

"I really proud of you my little archer. Can't wait to hear it on radio." my eyes sparkle as he said that. Clint always the first person to know my songs. He will listen the prerecorded one and will be the first to inform me whenever my songs already on air.

"Miss Stark, Mr Stark need you in the lab now." I sigh cause this is the first time I will meet him after a year not talking to him. "Alright FRIDAY coming right now." I inform his AI. "Talk to him kid. He hasn't been himself since The Accord. Your mom try many ways to get him out of the lab." I smile weakly at Clint. "he's really an idiot sometimes." I then walk to the elevator.

As the door swings open and I enter the lab, smells of alcohol everywhere, the suit was hang without any repair. 'dad must call me unconsciously.' I thought to myself. "J, turn on the lights." within few minutes, I can see the mess Tony Stark with a bottle of beer. "Alright dad, that's enough drinking. You wasted." I take it from him and put back inside the chiller. I lock and keep the keys with me.

I clean up the lab, pickup tons of empty bottles and even mop the floor. When I'm done, I put his right arm around my neck and bring him to his room. As I bringing him, I bump into James. "Hey kid, where do you want to bring your dad?" he ask. I just point to his room and he offer to help me carry him which I gladly accept.

"can you sit him on the chair near to the sink? I want to prepare his clean clothes for a while." he nod and I quickly grab his favourite long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. I walk back to the bathroom and place it beside the sink.

"I already prepared the bath. I will wait outside." James said and I nod thankfully. "what happened to you dad?" I cupped his face which already grown thick beard and long messy hair. I open the nearest drawer and grab a comb with his beard trimmer. I wet his beard and put the foam on it. I then carefully use the trimmer. "why you so kind y/n? I hurt you so much and you still here helping me. I feel disgusting with myself." he said staring at my eyes.

"no matter what happens, you are my dad and I am your daughter. I am a Stark and always will be. Yes, I mad at you tin man, but I would never hate you." I said still focusing on trimming his beard. After 30 minutes of struggling, I finally done and I did trimmed his hair as well. I help him stand and shower him. I wash his hair, face and body. He look really thin than last time I saw him. Then I help him dry off and wear his clothes. I comb his hair and smile widely at him.

"clean and tidy!" I cupped his newly shave face and kiss his forehead

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"clean and tidy!" I cupped his newly shave face and kiss his forehead. "now let's get you to bed old man." I open the door and James help me to his bed. I tuck him and kiss both his cheeks and forehead. "Goodnight dad, love you 3000." Both me and James then leave the room.

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