Bring Me Thanos!!!

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Meanwhile at Titan...
"oh yeah, you're much more of a Thanos." The wizard approach the purple guy.

"I take it the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." The mad Titan reply.

"you may regret that. He brought you face to face with the master of The Mystic Arts." The wizard said in monotone. The rest are waiting for his signal.

"and where do you think he brought you?" he ask him with the same tone. "let me guess, your home?" The wizard guess. "it was. And it was beautiful." Thanos use The Reality Stone to show Strange his old home.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." he explained. "Genocide." Strange cuts him off.

"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They call me a mad man. And what I predicted came to pass." he explained further changing the reality back. "Congratulations you're a prophet." Strange said sarcastically.

"I'm a survivor." he argued. "who wants to murder trillions." the wizard cuts him off again. "With all six infinity stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." The purple guy snap his fingers looking straight at Strange.

"and then what?" The wizard stand from his place walking towards the Titan. "I finally rest and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe." he reply calmly. "The hardest choices require the strongest wills." he continues.

"I think you'll find our will equal to yours." Strange made his magics to attack him. "our?" The Titan ask confusingly before a large piece was lunge to him. "piece of cake, Quill." Tony said proudly.

"yeah, if your goal want to piss him off." Quill reply and before he could continue, The mad Titan uses The Power Stone to break the piece and crumble it using The Reality Stone attacking Tony but he being distracted by a web shoot and Drax slid his dagger at the Titan's leg.

Strange take this as opportunity to come out from a portal and attack him. Now they both fighting each other with Quill's help putting an electric shocks at his back. "Don't let him close his fist." Strange said to his cloak.

His cloak wrapped around Thanos's wrist while Spiderman hit him from portal to portal until The mad Titan managed to grab him. "insect." he choke the spiderman and throw him hitting the wizard.

Tony take his chances shooting at Thanos repeatedly until he absorb the fire and shoots back sending Tony flying back. The spiderman try to attack him once again but not successful until a ship hitting the big guy. It is one of his daughters, Nebula.

"Well, well."
"you should've kill me"
"it would've been a waste of parts!"

With that Nebula attack her father repeatedly with anger.

"Where's Gamora?!" she ask angrily before Thanos hit her hardly. Strange using his magic pulling his hand while Quill kick his leg make him unbalanced and fell onto his knees and shoot him electrical shocks to pull his other hand from fighting. Peter hold his hand while Tony pull the other hand from snapping. Strange opens a portal reveal Mantis to put Thanos to sleep.

"is he under? Don't let up." Tony ask trying to get off the gauntlet. "Be quick, he is very strong." Mantis reply. "Parker, help! Get over here." Tony call the young man. "she can't hold him much longer, let's go!" Both of them now pulling off the gauntlet.

"I thought you be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan." Quill approaching the big guy proudly. "you're not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?" he ask angrily. "my Gamora." he groaned. "no, bullsh*t! Where is she?" Quill ask still controlling his anger.

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