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"miss Agersia, Mr Stark is requesting to see you at the lab now." I groaned of course because of someone interrupting my precious sleep. "erghhh 5 more minutes J." I said with my morning voice. "I'm afraid Mr Stark disagree on that." I let out a frustrated sigh and walk to the bathroom for a quick shower. 10 minutes later, I walk out and put on my favourite black 'marvel' hoodie with a pair of tracksuit.

I push the elevator to lab's level and straight away walk into the lab with an annoyed face. "look who's decided to show up now." I give him a death glare "we'll it's not my fault your lovely AI system woke me up literally 7AM IN THE MORNING??!!!" he just shaking his head cause if he laugh, trust me he will be 6 feet under right now.

"alright alright I'm sorry munchkin but you have shopping to do with Rogers remember? Right how can I forgot I need to go to a very private party Tony's had planned at the tower because I got the role and surprisingly this tin man over here managed to persuade natasha romanoff, my big protective sister with tons of conditions.

"why I need to go? You literally provide me enough in closet to wear." I whined and for sure Tony had his answers prepared. "not for the party munchkin and I'm very sure you don't want Nat to choose a dress for the party right?" he ask me with a devilish smirk fully know I don't like to wear skirts or dresses. "alright alright I will go with Steve pick the best suits for us." I said with a defeat sigh knowing too well how my big sis not liking I'm wearing suits, turtleneck and more masculine wear. Don't blame me, blame to those who insist me staying with most of the guys here in tower.

"Take my card here and just buy anything both you and Steve like. I emphasise 'YOU' especially." I giggle at his seriousness. "no worries about that since you are the one who ask me. It's too early btw, I'm gonna go for training a bit." I said and giving my 'sure' look.

I walk to the training room and since it's still early, I decide to take a bow and arrows for warm up. "J, can you put the targets in 360°?" Then all the targets are put in place. I shoot all in normal different directions at first. Mostly bullseye. Next, I ask JARVIS to set all the targets in moving while I'm running to shoot in every directions. Heh I know I'm cool hehe. Last one I ask JARVIS to put the targets moving in medium fast range and put some attacks while I shoot as well as dodging. "congratulations miss Agersia, your score mostly bullseye and it was 3 minutes faster than your last training." I jump in satisfaction at my score didn't realise someone was there watch me trained.

"I guess I can retire as you can take over my place already kid." he said clapping his hands. "huh uh not yet hawkeye. I'm sure still lot more to learn from you." I said while I keep my bow and and train arrows in a bag. Clint gave me during my 11 years old birthday.

"Sure kid come on you need to eat it's 9 in the morning, Nat will done her shooting training by now." I nod didn't realise I've been training almost two hours.

We both walk to the kitchen and natasha already eating her waffles with blueberries at the side. I run past her grab one of the blueberries "y/n Matthew Agersia you better not pissing me off!" I laugh my ass of at her furiousness. "God relax Romanova did you wake up at wrong side of the bed?" I ask with unbelievable reaction at her. I then take 5 pieces of waffles with chocolate dip at the side and walk to my recording room.

Before that, I stop at Steve's room. I knocked the door three times and the door open revealing big, muscular supersoldier. "hey Steve, just want to check out since you're not in the kitchen for breakfast. Are you hungry? I brought waffles here we could share." I said with a small smile. "it's okay kid, I'm about to go and have breakfast but thanks for the offer anyways." he returned the same smile. "alright then see you at 1pm. I'm all the way at the recording room if you searching for me. Bye Cap."

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