Twenty-Six | Deacon

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She was the last person I was expecting to see. Nichelle stands in the door with a determine look on her face with a small pink book in her hands.

My pulse quickens as I stare at Nichelle, wondering why she was here.


"Hi Deacon. Can I come in?" She asks.

"Of course." I step back and open the door wide enough for her to step in. "I gotta admit I'm a little surprised to see you here." I confess after locking the door behind us.

"Yeah, well, I didn't like the way Hondo treated you earlier. Plus, I think it's time we talk. Don't you?"

I do. After everything went down I hadn't seen much of Nichelle, not with Hondo avoiding me unless we were on a mission. It was obvious Hondo hated my guts but Nichelle never said a word. Did she hate me just as much as her husband?

"Yeah," I agree. "Does Hondo know you're here?"

"He thinks I'm at the community center." She says.

"I won't keep you long then." I reply before leading us to the living room.

The two of us sit on opposite couches facing one another. I don't know what to say. I don't know what I would say if I was her position. They trusted me with their daughter, their only child and I misused their trust. She had every right to hate me.

"Nichelle, I'm so sorry." I apologize, because it's the only thing I can think to say.

"I know you are Deacon. But can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Knowing how it all ends, would you stay away from Mya?"

I thought about that. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've lost my best friend and work is awkward as fuck, but no, I wouldn't change anything. These last few weeks with Mya have been the happiest weeks in my life in a long time and I wouldn't change getting to know her and getting to love her.

"No." I answer earnestly. "But that doesn't mean I don't feel regret. You and Hondo trusted me to watch your daughter and-"

"If you're done trying to take all the blame," Nichelle interrupts me. "Mya is an adult. An a smart one at that. She's able to make her own decision without influence from anyone." She reassures me. "But you are right about one thing- we trust you with our daughter. Not past tense but now, despite everything I still trust you. I need you to know that not for one second did I think you used my daughter or forced yourself on her. That's not the kind of man you are. I knew it from the moment I met you. You know, as a mother, you start thinking about the kind of life you want your child to have and when Hondo and I found out we were having a girl my first thought was I hope she meets a man who makes her feel as happy and loved as her father does for me and it's obvious that she's found that with you." Nichelle says, taking me by surprise. "All Hondo and I really want is for Mya to be happy and you do that for her."

"I don't know what to say Nichelle." I admit. Her acceptance of us was a little surprising to say the least.

"You don't have to say anything. Just promise you'll read this." She holds out the book towards me for me to take. "I'll see myself out." Nichelle tells me before she gets up and walks towards the front door.

I wait until I hear the door shut before I look down at the book on my lap.


That was the title of the scrapbook. Flipping the page open, I look at the pictures glued onto the pages. It's a bunch of photos cut and ripped from magazines like a wedding dress, a wedding cake, a mansion, perfect picture children. The more I flipped through the book it was clear to see that this book belonged to Mya, or at least the child version of her. It was the type of thing a girl Lilah's age or maybe a few older would make as they sat and imagine the kind of life they would want one day. I continue to flip until I'm at the back of the book where I see a piece of paper that looks like it was ripped from a journal with Mya's handwriting on it.

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