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Sweet spark, why didn't you tell me that Shockwave was your brother. And anyways you should thank him. Soundwave was confused and looked at her. Oh he said. Why? Well he actually saved me from Starscream. He was actually about to lay a hand on our son but I slapped his servos away from him and that's when Shockwave just came at the right time and at the right moment I said to him.

Sorry honey I just forgot. Anyways, let me see my son. MoonRider handed him their son. Soundwave took his visor off and smiled. He actually looks more like you my dear he said to me.

Me no I said. He looks more like you. Well I mean he does have my eyes but everything else he looks like you. I went over and licked my sweet sparks face. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I will do my best to help you in any way I can. And I know that my brother would help in any way he can.

I nodded and I looked at the time. Oh my I didn't even realize the time. Soundwave looked and nodded. It was getting late. Soundwave walked over and laid his son in his crib and kissed him good night. Good night my young one he said.

I was almost asleep when I felt my sparkmate climbing onto the berth. Goodnight my love he said he went over and kissed me good night. Soundwave he turned and looked at me. Yes. I went over and kissed him on the lips. Goodnight my love I said. And turned over and went to sleep. I felt that Soundwave was smiling and he went to sleep.

It was morning and Soundwave got up. And walked to his desk and grabbed his visor. He walked out carrying his visor and went to the cafeteria. He knew it was early and he wanted to get some energon. He sat down at the table and drank his energon until he heard a voice. I'm surprised you didn't tell her about me. Soundwave turned his head and saw his brother. Shockwave it's good to see you brother. Yes it is. But why didn't you tell her? Are you ashamed of me?

No I'm not. I just forgot to tell her that you are my brother, it just slipped my mind. I am sorry. I've just been really busy with everything. Oh and thanks for not telling me about my new nephew. I don't know if I even got his name. What did you guys name him? We named him SoundSlasher. Wow. That's a good name for a mech like him. And he has your first name well you know what I mean.

Yes I do. Soundwave looked at his datapad and realized it was time for him to head to his station. Oh and Shockwave if you could, you know. Help you guys out, sure. That's what brothers are for. I will see you later. Alright thanks Shockwave. Sure. See you later Soundwave. Soundwave left and headed to the bridge.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction MoonRider X SoundwaveWhere stories live. Discover now