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I was sitting in the berth crying that I may never see my son again. Soundwave on the other hand kept quiet and was typing away and looking for our son. He hadnt talked at all since our son was taken. Soon the doors opened and it was shockwaev. Shcokwave. Hey MoonRider. I heard. Soundwave. Soundwave didn't respond or turned around he kept quiet. Shockwave he's been like this since our son was taken. He is trying to track our son. And to be honest I miss my son. And I do miss Soundwave's voice. Soon his tentacles came over to me to relax me. Shcokwave walked over.

Look I know why the Autobot's found the ship. It was because our shield was down because of Starscream. What, I replied. I looked to see what Soundwave would say but he didn't.

Soundwave was busy he looked more until he had an idea. He looked more into with government and looked into with this agent he had heard of named agent Fowler. He then looked more.

I was sitting with shcokwev until we heard a slamming into the console. We noticed Soundwave slammed his servos on the console. I believe I may know the location of our son. He then downloaded the coordinates. Soundwave I am coming with you. No. Stay here. I immediately grabbed his servos. I am coming with you. He is our son. Soundwave sighs. Fine. Let's go.

Meanwhile at the autobot base everyone were trying to keep the little one calm. But nothing was helping. Miko was walking until she so something. She thought to herself. Hmm why does this little guy look like Soundwave. She walked over and walked on the stairs and went to talk to ratchet. Hey ratchet question. Sure. What's the question Miko. Have you looked at the little guy. Yes why. Well have you noticed that he looks exactly like Soundwave. Ratchet lifted his head up and looked at him. He looked more and she was right. He did have the same features as Soundwave.

Your right Miko. Hmm. He walked over and bent down. Hey little guy what's your sire and carriers names. I can't call them by their names. Made a photo I can show you. Alright. He walked over to the computer. He brought up photos of the Decepticon. He clicked on one. It's was Megatron. No. Next was Starscream. No. The next was shockwave. Wait he's my uncle. Uncle. Hmm. Okay. What about this photo. Stop. That's my sire. You took me away from him. He clicked the next photo with a femme. Stop thats my carrier.

Prime. We have an issues here, Ratchet yelled. What's the issues ratchet. Well the issue is that Soundwave and MoonRider is the sire and rh carrier of this guy. You guys in trouble. Feel my sires bond. Hey kid. I am Optimus prime. Can you tell your sire that we will bring you back to him. With no problems. Hmm. Fine.

SoundSlasher- sire.

Soundwave- son. Thank goodness. I thought the Autobots had offlined you. Where are you.

SoundSlasher- no they haven't. Listen sire. This guy who is big and red said he will met up and bring me back to you.

Soundwave- you are referring to prime. Sighs. Fine. I will send my coordinates into and unknown transmission.

SoundSlasher- alright. I miss you sire.

Soundwave- we both do. Me your carrier and your Uncle.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction MoonRider X SoundwaveWhere stories live. Discover now