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I immediately went to Lord Megatron. I went and approached the throne room hearing Megatron saying things to Starscream. Well my Liege we apparently should try to destroy and get information. Megaton growled. You have forgotten that we have an agent in their base. Soon they turned and saw me. MoonRider. I heard my Liege. Soundwave sent me a love bond but. He also sent her. I then showed Laserbeak. My Liege. She will be able to locate the base.

Excellent. I want you to deploy Laserbeak and locate it. But my Liege since Soundwave is with the autobots they probably have the information. I growled. Starscream you are so stupid and an idiot. So really and how am I an idiot. Well both me and our master knows well that Soundwave will depart information when he needs to or erases the information if he really needs to. Megatron smirked. Indeed. You have forgotten Starscream. Soundwave definitely knows when to and withhold information. I immediately deployed Laserbeak. Laserbeak discover the base and find Soundwave. Laserbeak chirped and immediately left.

Laserbeak was flying and soon saw a black car. She scanned it and identified a human that was in it named agent Fowler. She then followed and watched through the windows. She then saw her father laying on the berth strapped down. {Laserbeak: sire}. Soundwave looked and felt she was near. Laserbeak leave. Don't want you to get hurt my young one. {Laserbeak: sorry sire. No can do. Master's orders and MoonRiders orders to bring you back.} Soon prime was walking in and they didn't know what was coming. Soundwave looked until he gave Laserbeak the order. Now Laserbeak. Laserbeak went through and started shooting at the autobots. She then shot at the cuffs that were holding Soundwave down.

Soundwave immediately stood up. Laserbeak went over and attached herself to his chest. Soundwave immediately transformed and took off. He flew out of the base and saved the coordinates to the base. He then bridged himself to the ship. I was a nervous reck. Shockwave was trying to help me. Shockwave you are not helping. Look, I know my brother he will make it out. I scoffed. How do you know? MoonRider. Come to the bridge. You have a visitor that wants to see you. My Liege I am in no mods for visitors. MoonRider that is an order. Get to the bridge now. Yes my Liege. I didn't know what was going on. I approached the bridge. The doors opened. But it was just Megatron and Starscream. My Liege. I hope it isn't Starscream. No it isn't much more than that. What I didn't know what that Soundwave was walking behind me. Soundwave walked and was behind you. He wrapped his servos around you. I immediately jumped. But soon felt safe. I then soon felt a breath on my neck. And soon heard this. I miss you my sweet spark. Sounds. I slowly turned and saw Soundwave right in front of my face with his visor on. Sounds. Immediately wrapped my arms around his neck. I missed you. So have I my dear.

So Soundwave what was the reason why they took you in. Starscream asked him. I know myself to Soundwave. Well, my liege they wanted to know why you wanted the humans. But I said in a voice recording I will never tell. And soon I heard ratchet saying how about going through his file and drives. So I took action and deleted all the files I had with the heirs and with my son and wife. Because since MoonRider had a dream about the heirs. We got done talking and went our separate ways.

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