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Megatron was in the torture chamber sitting on the chair thinking until he saw his Second-In-Command Starscream waking up. Wait how. Gasp Starscream exclaimed, wait No Lord Megatron look I. Megatron got up, lifted his servo and punched him on the side of the face.

Starscream are you kidding me he said. You know better than to mess with my communications specialist. He walked back and forth waiting to hear a response. My Lord it was Soundwave's femme companion. The girl in his room, it was this traitor MoonRider. Megatron went to him and mangled his wings. Starscream yelled in pain, My Liege my wings he yelled.

Megatron growled. This is uncalled for Starscream. Megatron walked off to let Starscream suffer for what he had done. Megatron walked out and headed to his quarters. He needed to rest and decompress after the incident with Starscream.

I was waking up when I saw my lover sleeping right next to me. I bent down and looked at my tank. I checked if there was any damage from Starscream and there wasn't. I felt the little one move in my tank. I giggled. I am glad you are safe, my little one. Soundwave was sleeping when he heard his lover's voice. He started waking up looking at her and smiling. I turned and saw him smiling at me.

What. I said to him, Oh nothing , it's just that you are beautiful when I see you in the morning. And I noticed and heard you speaking to our little one he said. I bent down and grabbed his face and started kissing him. He chuckled inside and started kissing her back. He stopped and reached for his pad. So did Knockout say how long it will be before the sparkling is born he asked her.

Yes, he said it should be very soon. But it just depends when it wants to come out. Soundwave got up and stretched his body and his tentacles. Woo. I said, You look more handsome when you stretch like that. Soundwave's face blushed at what he heard. He went over to grab his visor but noticed it was gone. Hey sweet spark, do you know where my visor is? I know I placed it right here, he said.

No I don't. I know you had it there. Well I guess I have to work without it. I saw my lover walking over to me and giving me a kiss and a lick on my cheek. Then I saw him walk off heading to the bridge.

Megatron was in the halls stretching his body. But froze seeing his communication specialist without his visor. He didn't say anything but it shocked him. He walked to the throne room and headed inside and sat on his throne.

Soundwave, where is your visor you usually never work without it he asked. My Liege somehow my visor has disappeared and I know it was in my room but it is gone. I was looking for his visor until I found it. It fell off the desk and onto the floor. But I noticed a crack. But I still need to give it to Soundwave. I knew that it made him feel uncomfortable when he was around people without his visor on. I walked out of the room and headed to the throne room.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction MoonRider X SoundwaveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя