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Knockout coming back to his reality he was confused. Wait, how did I get here? And wait, MoonRider you okay. I was crying and I didnt know what to say. Actually no Knockout I am not you actually just grabbed me by my servo. Knockout was confused and scared.

MoonRider. I really don't know what happened. I am really sorry. And Soundwave I guess thank you for getting me out of something that I do not know what it is. Knockout left and it was just me and Soundwave.

Soundwave turned and bent down, grabbing my hand gently and looking at it if it was okay and not damaged. Soundwave looked at me and had a sad emoji on his visor. Because what had happened to me. Soundwave put his servos around me hugging me. I immediately fell in love with the mech.

I noticed Soundwave getting up and heading back to the computers working. I went back to the computers. I wanted to stay clear from Knockout. I wanted to be with Soundwave. He looked at me and I looked at him. I turned my face away, blushing when he saw it. He stopped typing and came over to me. He bent down and looked around.

I was confused and didn't know why. Until I saw him taking his visor off. I looked at his face. I started tracing the lines on his face. He had his own smile. He bent down and kissed my left cheek. I turned away and blushed even more. He heard the doors open. I noticed him putting his visor back on and went to work. He still had the emoji smile on for me.

The person that walked in was Megatron. Oh my Liege have you noticed anything strange or wrong with Knockout. Megatron snarled and hissed. No why he asked. Well he acted like he wasn't himself like it wasn't him and. Megatron was angry but kept it in. Okay what did Knockout do this time. Well my Liege he. He attacked me and I don't think it was him because he doesn't remember it.

Megatron's eyes widened but they grew more redder. I see I will look into this. We can't have a medic like this now can we. He walked off and headed out. But he stopped. Oh Soundwave tomorrow you can have the day off. You have done well. You have done more than the rest of my decepticons. Well I mean MoonRider you have done well too. He exited and went his way.

Soundwave was still typing. I hopped down and got a box and I stood on top of it. I started to caress and massage Soundwave's back. He immediately purred at my touch. I jumped down and went back to sit on the console. Soundwave lifted me up with his tentacles. I saw him getting done with his work. He closed off the files and lifted me down.

I started walking when I felt something tickling me. I giggled of course. I turned around and Soundwave was just standing there with his visor off smiling. I loved the mech but didn't know how to say it. Soundwave walked past me and headed off to his room. I knew it was getting late and I had to go to my room. Goodnight Soundwave I said. I went my way and headed to my room and fell asleep.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction MoonRider X Soundwaveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن