~~chapter 33~~

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This morning, krish was dressed in his noble uniform.he looked like a little gentle man waiting for his date at the door except he was going to school with his dad, Ramu kaka and all other servent all looked at krish affectionately when they saw his cute and handsome look.The moment step out into the morning sunlight, the smell of freshly baked pancakes hits krish and it almost immediately makes his little stomach grumble. he is so hungry, and nearly forget to take off his shoes before hurrying over to a dining area . The table is covered with dishes and bowls of fruit and bread and they practically fall into one another's arms as they all sit down at the table. whole were prepared especially for little master taste as per Arnav said, arnav smiled at his servants and silently thanked them with his smile for obeying his orders.

Khushi was little busy for her office works as she joined recently, hence she requested Arnav to drop krish at his school and he willingly accepted. Naturally, khushi saw the excitement In krish's eyes. She felt her heart melt with happiness .After Breakfast , Arnav took krish directly to school. Arnav drove a relative low key car to krish's school so he didn't attract too much attention.However, that's not the case . it didn't last too long.As soon as he got out of their car, he somehow attracted a lot of people attention. Then the people surrounded him. Arnav could feel gaze
Burning around him and can hear the voices of women were whispering , especially little kids parents who saw his attractiveness ,helding his son's little finger he guided him towards his classroom. Arnav after dropping him in his classroom and said," krish be a good boy.. okay?! Daddy Loves you!! See you in evening he said while krish gives him a small peck on his cheeks and left and Arnav smiled at his little son's affection with a sweet smile he moved outside.
while dropping krish off to his school Arnav didn't noticed that one his mother's friend's daughter 's kid too studying on that same class. Seeing Arnav dropping a kid in school with so much fondness ,that woman even pictured them together as proof when , she thought something suspicious, hence after knowing Arnav had left from school compound, she meet the teacher to ask the whereabouts of that kid and once meeting the teacher she would knew where to look next.

when Arnav was closing his car door and putting his seat beat, he got a call from his spy, Dev. ,"Mr. Raizaida our plan flopped, Akash is going abroad."

"Damn It!!!! .............Wait Dev, you have that cctv footage of payal's threating me in my office room right.. whole the conversation and recordings , Just Go to Straight Airport show it to him ,

"There's is risk on that ASR, if he may not believe .,dev said with little doubt.

There's No other options dev, Just do it... if he go aboard without knowing the real face of his fiance .It will be a big shame for Me and if he too joins our team it will be great.

"okay ASR.. i will do as you say," ASR, what about Mr. Shah and gupta?

"Call me ..later,Bye said Arnav while dropping of call.


",what are you saying ,Akash ...The next day is your wedding after the wedding of your fiance's elder sister, why are you in this time? Run away ..From own wedding?!! What happened?
"it's true that ... i am going to run away from this wedding , i have my own reason to do it.. aunty, pls don't force me to reveal something which i don't want to ..and also aunty pls don't inform my parents, otherwise they will get upset with me.. aunty pls understand i have my own reasons.

"ok, i won't ask you anything... But what about your parents they will get embarrassed in whole wedding chaos,...And what about, your fiance payal?! don't you just think of her?;

,"Don't dare to mention her name before Me..
I don't love her anymore and she didn't want me back anyway....." Aunt Anita sighed and shook her heads. It was very obvious how much hurt and sadness Akash felt . He was waiting airport announcement of his flight. That all pent up his emotions he had kept in check for spilling out into his hands and knees where he crouched. He felt like he could do nothing but sad, this was everything just end.His flight announcement comes over the loudspeaker for the first time, making him stop in his tracks and look up from his phone. This was it, he thought to himself, finally boarding the plane and heading out of this hellhole to the London. Akash was going to catch his flight. He knew it in his bones, he’d be on the plane soon and he would finally leave , then there wasn’t a single chance of ever returning home again,grabbed his luggage and was about to move someone held his shoulder.yes it was Dev (Arnav's spy )


Today was the day Khushi had meeting with two models Ms.sheetal Kapoor and imran Abbas.Hence she told them to meet them in photoshoot studio.when khushi was about to enter in studio,she heard someone chuckled,"oh ,My god... Isn't it the famous backlit..Mr imran
What are you doing in this studio?! Are you here for photoshoot? Ha.. seeing you here is a rare opportunity. That guy laughed mocking him.

," Hey don't you know?! Some one had bought him as bit seeing his pitness.. some female agent I guess..; another one mocked

The person who spoked earlier scoffed coldly helding imran's shoulder and said,' Hey, i too want to meet your agent,perhaps if I had chance with her and perform well, i can too be came popular .the moment they finished talking there was a laughter in the room,the mockery on their eyes were so clear. Khushi was observing all these leaning against the wall.her eyes became bit blurry,where as imran was quite indifferent ,being treated unfairly by his own colleguee's for past few years, he has learnt to endure these comments. When these people saw he didn't retalite,they felt proud and continued their mockery. Imran clenched his fist tightly, his eyes were filled with pain. Why did he have to compromise and endure all these because all his back out projects and non recognition in field for quite time now, Did he doesn't have a chance to change his life one again around?!

Khushi has know the mocking person's name his name is Danish Taimoor. A prominent model who have well known recognition in whole companies as his photoshoot is perfect and acting is fit.. More than his acting talent his ego is more. Khushi came forward snickered and said, " You're Mr.Dainsh Taimoor right?!, ' who's asking ?!!
Danish looked at khushi anxiously, ," khushi smiled and held his hands for shake. ,'Hii.. i am khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizaida.. i heard you are asking about Me . Yes, i am the agent who bought IMRAN.. Anything else.,you wanna ask ?khushi stared at him coldly.

He was bit afraid of Khushi's identity. ,"Singh Raizaida..so she's Raizaida family member" Raizaida family is well known among the crowds of billionaires, AR Group, AR entertainment,Ar fashion store , everything.

Khushi snorted,"i heard you are famous..But you are not that Big deal, in Looks you are just average compare to Mr .Imran Abbas ,How did you became famous? Perhaps you kept using your Mouth to getting attention and degrading others posing yourself higher, Be careful next time. Otherwise, i will make sure your career drop off in Mintues of call. Danish turned pale and won't say anything.. left from there.

until I met u ~~~Daddy~~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon