~~ chapter 28~~

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Grandma shielding self from the scorching sun overhead in the shade casted by the pile of lumber on her back. Wrapped around her chest was a pouch filled to the brim with red berries ," When you found red berries, it was meant to mean the end of days and good fortune in your own life. The only reason that was so, is because of their unusual color, which means they are almost like rubies" grandma picked up the red berries from market as it's one of krish's favourite. Red berries bounced with her each step as she walked home back after a long day services in Ngo , spending time with oldies like her indeed special . she had no idea that at this moment, there was a guest in her home, a guest that that would change destiny forever. The story that is about to unfold would change her granddaughter lives and the people in their midst forever, and it will be up to this man to decide what to do about it.

Khushi welcomed Arnav inside and he was sitting on couch along with krish .
"What do you prefer to drink?" tea or coffee?! she asks."Coffee please with little sugar" He answers. She nods and goes to make the coffee. When it finally is done she walks back, handing him the mug,he nods thanks and takes his drink.

They sat in silence . Until she breaks it, "before we get married i want to talk to you about my past. If you're willing to hear me out, that is."
"Sure."He looks over at her, and nods, as if he can read the thoughts running through her ,Her heart thunders as she begins telling him of her life before . The memories were hard and painful. She Began "when i was at young age and payal was just 5, we lost our mother due to her illness ""Why did she leave us sudden? I'm not really sure but i remember crying into grandma's chest and saying that i wish she could have stayed, that our father would have understood if only he knew about her sickness.After she left away from us, it was grandma who raised us when our father was outside on business trips . We were very lucky to have her,, she took care of us day and night.

"That sounds wonderful." He smiled down at her as he gave her a tender look. Her eyes met his for a brief second before quickly averting hers and She continued, "When we were at teen age, Me was an obident kid apple of every eyes, well mannered and behaved but payal,her life never came easy as she was so mischievous, she was constantly put down on everyone and even father. It's why i was always the one who was there for her, because i cared deeply for her, she always relied on me and wanted to be like me ,but in mind she had always grown up enmity towards me, for being center of attention and having more power than her as being elder sister of noble family , people respected and loved me .Looked so sympathetic and for the first time in this conversation she found herself wanting to tell him more. Maybe then she'd feel better. Or at least like she wasn't being so transparent. But it's been years since she'd last told anyone her deepest darkest secrets and even longer since someone has ever truly listened. So she closes her eyes, takes another deep breath and lets go of the emotions she's tried desperately to keep locked up ," it was my adolescent age ,"when the feeling of not knowing what to do with myself took over. I didn't know what was happening, or what the future held,"Akash singha next door, my long time good friend who falls in love with me and decides i will be his forever.," We were very good friends I guess but I think there was something else going on between us. Grandma always told me that when I met someone who made me happy I would know because the first thing I felt whenever they looked at me is love, so I agreed when he proposed me first and making a hand for marriage. After that our engagement discussion going on both our families are happy with this, our engagement happened , months had been like that for as long as I could remember happiness,; it was like an endless flow of things until one day, it all came to an abrupt stop.when akash got an mail ,and he went to London for his job and our marriage got postponed. unknown to me there was conspiracy going on behind me planned my younger sister and I fell on her trap. it was day of evening akash's return back to India for our marriage, she said me that she had planned a surprise for Me and she said she had booked the dinning for two us in some luxurious hotel. After that she's gone to buy some drink for me. ,"After that... After that ..
her eyes welled up while talking, her words muffled and barely understandable as she spoke. he listened intently, feeling his heart break for her. she was sobbing now, the words just coming out in bursts of tears with no sign of stopping anytime soon. he took a shaky hand off of his shoulder to hold hers, giving it a squeeze and letting all of worries pour into that touch they stayed like this for a while, just holding hands. his mind raced with the thousands of thoughts racing through his head; She finally looked up at him, eyes swollen and glassy and filled to the brim with hurt and sorrow.
she sniffles a bit before speaking again, looking away from his gaze. her voice is rough from crying but she speaks calmly, almost emotionless as if she were reciting something long forgotten. "i'm sorry. i don't know why i'm crying over something like this. i shouldn't cry after what happened in past."Arnav was shocked at the same time surprised hearing the new relavations, he thought that there's must be a reason for her to explain about that night, yes she too fell in a trap like him ! Where as Arnav who fell in trap of dealers who tried to set him up with a girl while making him drank to make some news and spoil his image and reputation, where as here on khushi's case it's her own sister who does this to her.

until I met u ~~~Daddy~~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora