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Getting a glimpse of his mom from outside window, krish tried to call her but his voice isn't not that strong enough to reach her, he tried to write something on  a paper to throw it down through the window, but payal and akash entering inside the room, makes him alerted. He hid the chit paper in his pocket itself, preventing it , to get caughted, he rushed towards the bed sat down as he didn't know nothing.

Although the security  hesitated at first, he finally compromised at Khushi 's insistence. Finally, she have entered in the hotel smoothly she felt relief ."Are you sure you want to apply for the job of a hotel staff?" The hotel supervisor sized up  in front of her with some suspicions , he asked that because khushi looked quite from good family & a good temperament, so he thought it was a pity for her to be a waitress ;or hotel staff.Khushi could sense the supervisor's doubts, so she hurriedly put on a very sincere facade and replied firmly, "Yes, I wish to apply for the job "

Khushi was afraid that the hotel supervisor still didn't believe it, so she began to tell the supervisor all about her work experience abroad. "Not only have I done  various jobs in foreign countries, but also done  manager job of a hotel. I have had to deal with quite a lot, so please rest assured that I will not let you down, "she pleaded

After being sent abroad for all those years, in order to survive she had done all kinds of jobs In particular ,during that cold chill winter, she had been pregnant with a large tummy, and such pain & suffering ,it  hadn't  unable to forget her until now.

The hotel supervisor initially thought that Khushi was rich girl belong to nice family had not anticipated that she would have so much
experience. He was very satisfied with her performance. Without saying another word, the supervisor simply recruited her. "OK, you can come to do work here,  ."Once she heard that she was hired by the hotel, Khushi almost hailed &relaxed aloud."Work hard. There are plenty of promotional opportunities." The supervisor patted her head. "Thank you." Khushi thanked the supervisor again and she looked around and thought for a moment then asked the supervisor tentatively, "Supervisor, may I have a look around and get familiar with the hotel's layout & atmosphere""Huh?" The supervisor looked at her confused With a beaming smile khushi said, "I'd like to get familiar with the environment first, so that it'll help me get with my work more quickly."

When the supervisor heard her reason, he couldn't like Khushi more. It was rare
in these days to find such staff who were so enthusiastic about  work. "Okay! I'll catch up someone to show you around " without asking any further doubt and then called up one his staff"  hey, this is our new employee Take her and show her around our hotel."Yes, sir" the man said

"Hey,Newbie." The supervisor suddenly called up khushi  again,she went blank for a  while  so she relied right away. All the people who live in rooms in this hotel are VIPs, so you must be very careful when you go around and watch, don't disturb them", Khushi nodded and smiled slightly. Her mission was to find her son from here, for that she had to find the hotel monitoring room,where all the CCTV camera fixed.

The man  was eagerly  explained khushi
all that he knew about this hotel and staffing in addition details "In addition to the presidential suite at the top floor, the rest are business suites. And the hotel also has swimming pools, clubs, bars and various entertainment facilities. It has everything."

He talked in a high spirit, but Khushi
seemed to be a lost & absent-minded.
her mind was occupied with her son & about how to find an excuse to ask where the hotel's monitoring room was. In this way, she would be able to pull up surveillance videos to find out where her son  was ,Seeing her a bit absent-minded, he asked  thoughtfully. "Are you feeling okay?".Khushi paused a moment and shook her head with a smile. "It's nothing",He didn't ask too much and said, "Let's go upstairs and have a look" Khushi pretended to ask in a casual way, ", where is the monitoring room of this hotel?"Hearing her ask that he suddenly stopped, turned around  and looked at her doubtfully "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?

That..." I was ....*"Khushi smiled awkwardly, and then shrugged "I'm just asking. After all, the monitoring room is the core of a hotel. If there is an emergency or something occured,knowing where it is could be very important."for us right" we were hotel staff's right"

"I see "the man nodded and didn't feel any suspicion in her words, told her directly on which floor the monitoring room was  and also told her how to go there"Khushi made a note of it. She smiled at him and said. ", you are so kind. You've Explained me everything in detail, thanks "'It's"Not a big deal. We'll be colleagues in future and we're supposed to take care of each other"

Looking at That man's sincerity ,Khushi couldn't help feeling a little guilty for her lies, apologizing him in her heart sincerely, she thought to look after her kid ,Now that she knew where the monitoring room was, her mission was completed, so she made an excuse to go to the restroom.

After having dinner with his parents, Arnav was relaxing in his hotel room where his parents beside him talking. "Last week ur  name got linked up with that model , even though it's gossip, we have never taken that seriously,but from ur p.a we got an another information that u have spend a night with some random girl? "Is it true Arnav?!!!

It's was a mistake dad, it's not like what you think "

"What is this Arnav,what I am hearing?!!his mom was furious and in anger "Mom,dad, I do care about your reputation, it's not like that you see ..  I can explain this....u both know right ,the textile  factory we are building onJuhu island, " inorder to stop that  ,the villages head and his secretary compelled me many times to stop that,they even agreed me to give money in exchange of that land." But I didn't agreed, as that land was ur dream project dad... One day,I am staying here this hotel for deal ,they have come again to me with the same request,and I strongly rejected, on that time I didn't know,  they spiked my drink with some pills, and I don't even know where I was ..and that women... I don't know dad .."

On the other side, Khushi, who found
an excuse to use the restroom, broke into the floor, escape through the window of restroom,to where the monitoring room was located. She followed the route the man had given her and began to look for the monitoring room.However, what she didn't expect was that the hotel was too big. There were a lot of corridors and passageways. Before long, she was confused and couldn't distinguish which direction she was passing in, let alone where the monitoring room that was mentioned.She just felt like a headless moving, slowly. fumbling around and hoping to find the monitoring room.After searching for a long while, she have found out.She sighed out a long breath.There were two well-built men  right at the door CCTV  room, after a while when the clock tick for 3pm, She found that hotel staff had going out for tea break."she quickly entered in for checking , from there  through CCTV, footage she had found the room were her son had been kept for while.

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