~~chapter 27~~

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Because of Arnav 's proposal,Khushi Was restless whole night, pacing back and forth along with that she couldn't get rid of thoughts of akash's threats and her Papa's influence among the society, Arnav is right that there is no one here to help her.A few times she would be thinking of krish crying when he was taken away by from her by her family ,later she himself get locked , then there getting blacklisted from aircrafts , they can't fly back unless her father approved to, All those stage events gradually broken her mental and physical strength. After tossing and turning, khushi still couldn't decide what answer she should give to Mr.arnav singh Raizaida. Arnav's
Proposal was indeed tempting , it would resolve her current situations in life but she couldn't be so selfish and ignore the feelings of other people who depends on him, His family. Perhaps, may be khushi was over thinking because she slept very lately .

While on the other side mr.arnav singh Raizaida reached at the gates of his mansion. He noticed his mom and his grandparents are waiting outside, only few lights of the entrance were on. He parked his car down and get outside.", Why U all are waiting here?! What happened,"he asked ,"Nothing, you go inside, you haven't had dinner yet, his mother asked the servant to serve dinner, after that she went out from there. For a moment Arnav became little suspicious about his mother's behaviour, later he continued eating his food . After having his dinner, he still noticed his mom and his grandparents are sitting outside as if they were waiting for someone to arrive soon , that's when he noticed his dad is Missing from the group.
Beeeeeep!!!!! The car horn caught his attention.
He noticed his dad came along with his friend and his daughter. ,"Hi Arnav, "how are you, did u remember me?! Asked the blonde man as he opened the door of his passengerseat.,"How can he remember you Mukesh, he was little back then when we last met, said his father while helping him to take down his luggages outside.Arnav's mother was looking at lavanya with fondness.She was still the same little girl as when she had last saw her, She pulled the girl beside her and said," lavanya, u grown up to became such a beautiful woman, said his mother while giving complement While Arnav still seems to be confused seeing his look his father said, "Arnav this is Mukesh uncle, you seems to have doesn't remember ,you were little back then , and she's lavanya ,his daughter. ,Two of them stay here for 2 weeks , as their new branch is opening here and works are going on.," it's nice to meet you Uncle Arnav greeted him with a warm smile ,Mukesh smiled happily at his words and patted his shoulders . the family invited them inside.

" this day begins with the sun rising over the horizon as if to say, good morning, everybody! You may have slept in this morning but I'm here with some exciting news and a very early breakfast. And The first thing you notice is that the world around you is bathed in white light. The sky is an eerie blue hue with only the smallest of clouds drifting past its surface. You can see that the trees surrounding you are a mix of yellow and red, all looking as if they've been painted in the sunrise. Even the birds seem to be moving at the same slow pace; their song sounding eerily loud as you watch them move across the grass. The air is fresh and you breathe it in deeply as if this could sustain you forever. Your lungs fill up with warmth and you feel refreshed despite just waking up. It feels so right to be alive after what feels like years without even meaning to exist. There's nothing better than being on Earth.And as you take in your surroundings, you know there's something more out there waiting for you; somewhere far away from everything and everyone. The universe is vast and endless. It stretches beyond the stars and beyond human understanding. This reminds your new beginning," khushi opened her eyes with this radio hearing,it was already dawn
Krish was exhausted after following his mother routine past few days,he still has not waken up, seeing him sleeping ,a rare benevolent smile appeared on her face. She went upto krish and gently kissed his cute and adorable face.she then went to prepare things needed to go to work,as it's her first day of work and to send krish in his school as grandma isn't back yet, there is none to help her in kitchen. When she finished her breakfast there was a constant knocking in the door and they were loud. ", Is it grandma?! No she will call me when she's back. is it akash?! No may not be him.. he didn't have guts to came back again after i smashed the door infront of him.

until I met u ~~~Daddy~~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora