~~chapter 29~~

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',come in madam, let me show you, your and young master bedroom.'The maid opened the door to the suite and led them in. The room was a little small but nicely furnished and decorated in bright blue with white trim. A small bed was tucked into a corner of the room next to an elegant wardrobe. A window sat on one side facing towards the garden. There were some potted plants set about and a dresser with an expensive looking mirror placed in front of it as well as several vases filled with flowers. Overall, everything about this room seemed inviting and pleasant. A quick glance around told khushi just how big room actually was. It had been a while since she had seen the a Room so clean &neatly arranged, there wasn't a single piece of litter of dust anywhere in sight.
maid put the luggages in the room before leaving.
"I'm leaving now, miss. Please do let me know when you have everything settled here . The maid curtsied and left quickly, giving a small bow and smile to her new mistress of this villa.

Khushi noticed a small bedroom beside this room with a separate door, it was designed like kid's bedroom , the walls were painted a light purple color with white stripes and the bedsheets on this bed matched the walls perfectly. krish loved the room very much that's when Arnav entered inside room ," how is your room, did u like it, krish?! .asked him
,"i loved it ,daddy ," thank u..

,"what about u , khushi did u like our home.she turned to him with a smirk and winked.
"it was lovely!" she replied with an over the top posh voice, "I couldn't be more excited!" * "khushi... I know the things are new, our marriage and relationship , we don't need to rush in... Take your time , i will sleep on couch and you sleep on bed as long we became comfortable with each other ."Khushi felt relieved after Arnav suggest that. It could be he sensed her akwardness or may be he said it casually . Either way, she looked at him gratefully.After a short while, Arnav looked at the time.He stood up and said,"oh i almost forgot , i have a meeting to attend , if anything else you needed please inform to Ramu kakka and the people working here.. Bye.""Call me,if you have something else, otherwise,feel free to arrange something yourself ,"if you have nothing to do ."then Arnav was about to turn and leave he heard her ",Today was my first day to join AR entertainment . But..

", it's okay, u don't need to worry about that I will arrange Ur position in My company." Anything else. *" Khushi nodded and saw Arnav disappeared out of her sight.

Shashi Gupta was so depressed hence he was drinking alcohol like water. Well, more like a glass of water with a splash of whiskey on top to drown his sadness away. Papa!"...payal 's voice boomed in Shashi's earshot as a her hand tapped his shoulder from behind, prompting him to turn around.,"i will make sure she agree to this alliance papa don't worry .. it's my promise for you. Without any hurdles, she will agree to this.,"how?! " shashi gupta asked while placing his glass in table.," i have a plan.
Sure ,"i'll give you a chance Payal, i know she don't deserve someone else but i just wants make sure this alliance happen otherwise My collaboration with Mr.shah will be a dream forever, u know i have brought the plot for our second textile showroom in Bandra, whole will be pile of water ...
just waste unless ...
this.. happen.." Payal hold Shashi's hands while giving him a promise.

Arnav went straight to the company without delay.His schedule was really busy but he made some exceptions because of ,"His marriage,".

The moment Arnav has entered his office at 1:30pm noon, he could help but to recall how happy khushi and krish was ,he too smiled unknowingly. Still on that daze moment,His cousin nandkishor rushed inside and asked him directly," Brother, Did you really get married?!!!;
Arnav was surprised by this question,he had kept it secret,how did he got to know suddenly? Since Arnav didn't deny it , Nandkishor confirmed his guess and he quickly said,"when My material aunt told me that, i couldn't able to believe it first, So is it True?"

People always say woman loved to gossip but men were much worse, Nandkishor's face was filled with mouthful gossips.if his aunt wasn't working as staffing Residence marriage bureau ,he wouldn't might have gotten such a juicy information quickly. When mr.raizaida heard this,his frown deepened.How could he have forgotten the fact that Nandkishor 's maternal aunt has been working there for a long period . He sighed himself ," go and give your aunt a call and tell her keep it as a secert."Arnav said with slight headache.

until I met u ~~~Daddy~~Where stories live. Discover now