chapter fourteen- campania, trip to america

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Third person's pov

Lily was dressed in a victorian flower dress with her brother and butler.

Lily was dressed in a victorian flower dress with her brother and butler

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Lily's hair was pulled into a braided bun, wearing white gloves.

" Cousin Lily!," She heard her little cousin's voice, clinging to Ciel.

" hello, Lizzie, it's been a while now," Lily said and glance to her family.

" Aunt, Uncle, Happy to see you again in so long," Lily said.

" great to see you again, Lily, how much you have grown, the more you grew, the more how you resemble Claudia Phantomhive," Francis said.

Patting Lily in the head.

" We'll, shall we dear?," Lord Milford said, We nodded and enter the luxury ballroom.

' Where is Adrian?, He said he would be here?,' She thought and saw a man with yellow-orange hair with bright green eyes.

' A grim reaper,' She thought and heard a laughter from a man wearing a robe with a top hat.

" Undertaker?!, what are you doing here?!," Ciel bursts, with Sebastian holding him back.

" Undertaker!," Lily jumped into the mortician's arms and flung her arms around his neck.

" Lily?!, Since when were you close to this man?!," Ciel asked.

" We'll," Lily blushed in embarrassment and look away.

" We'll, I'll see you later dearie, Earl," He said before joining in the crowd.

' I wonder, Where is he going?,' Lily thought and saw her older cousin, Edward.

" Hello Edward," Lily said.

" Oh, Little cousin," He said, " Please do join me," Mentioning a seat for her.

" So, Did Vincent told you about your fiancee?," He asked, Lily nodded.

" Yes, It seems I have found him," Lily said.

" Though, I don't think my brother would approve, if he finds out what I have with Adrian, I would be strip from my title," she said.

" Well, do you love him?," He asked.

" what?," Lily asked and paused her movements.

" Do you love him more than your title, more than your status, are you willing enough to be there for him for his ups and downs, just as he does the same for you?," Edward asked.

" Yes, I even go further to just submit to a pack to be bound with him forever," Lily said.

" I see," He said and stood up from his seat, " I'll see you later, little cousin," He said and went to the group of ladies.

' I wonder, what Adrian is here for?,' Lily thought and stood from her seat and blend in with the group's.

the eldest Phantomhive( Black butler fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora