Chapter eight- the red grim reaper

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Lily's pov

I glance to the butler who used to have brown hair to now have crimson red hair with bright green eyes.

" Auntie, Why would you do such thing?," I asked in horror of what my used to lovely aunt.

She glance to me and Ciel with a sad expression and grab a dagger from her sleeves.

" You are the queen's watchdog, if you're gonna hunt me then hunt me down," She said..

" There's only one way!," She charge towards Ciel, wounding his arm.

" Why would you do this?, you are a doctor," Ciel asked.

I shield him with my body and my arms around him.

" A brat like you, would never understand!," She choked Ciel, wrapping her hand around his neck tightly.

" A child like you, should never have been born!," She raised the dagger, I tried to pull her away, only to be kick back by her roughly.

Angelina then caught the glimpse of Rachel Dallas.

" Nee-san?!," Angelina caught the eyes of Rachel in her niece and nephew eyes.

" Young Master!, Mistress!," Sebastian sprint to angelina, ready to attack her.

" Sebastian, don't kill her!," Ciel said.

Third person's pov

Ciel glance to his sister, slowly getting up from her position.

' My beloved Sister, My beloved?, Their beloved?,' Angelina thought. ' I can't,'

" I can't, I can't kill this child," Angelina said, " madame, have you gone soft?, after all of the murders, you have done?," Grell asked, picking up her death scythe.

" Now finished that brat, Madame red!," He said.

" I can't this child is my-," The chainsaw was place on her chest. Blood squirting everywhere.

" I'm dissapointed, Madame red, I knew you were just a another woman!," Her cinematic record was then shown.

" WHAT is that?," Lily asked.

" the cinematic record, when their entire life is shown every their eyes," Sebastian explained.

Ciel crawled to his limp aunt's body and shut her eyes.

" Sebastian, didn't I told you to catch jack the ripper?," Ciel said.

" Yes my Lord," Sebastian said.

Lily stood up and went to her brother side and pulled him to her chest, rubbing his back.

" It's alright, Ciel, We have each other," Lily said.

" I'm-no, We're both really are alone now," Ciel said, shedding a single tear down his cheek.

" It's alright, I'm here now," Lily said, rubbing his back.

" Goodness, Now where is that red head?," Lily heard a male's voice, She glance up to the roof and saw a grim reaper, I suppose.

" Have you seen a reaper with red hair?," He asked. Lily nodded and pointed to the other roof where Sebastian was taking care of him.

He glance to madame red's corpse and collect her soul and cinematic record.

" Don't feel despair that she's gone, feel joy that she got to live her life with everyone she cares about, despite the things she did," He said.

" Thank you for the comfort," Lily said.

" My I know your name, She?," She asked.

" William t spears, the head of the grim reapers, " He said.

" well, It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Lily and This is ciel phantomhive," She said.

" I see the phantomhive siblings, my condolences on your lost, I shall be going now and collecting that man," He said, she nodded and watch him leave.

She glance to her brother who was passed out like a light.

She sighed and thought about her auntie and all the time they spent together.

She sobbed quietly and brought Ciel closer to her chest.

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