Chapter one- Three years ago

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Third person's pov

Lily was in her room with her personal maid, getting ready for the day.

" What shall we do today, my lady?," The maid asked, Lily turned though about the color blue.

" My blue dress please," She said, the maid nodded and went to her dresser to get the light blue dress. The maid laid it down on the bed and tie the girl's corset.

" Little bit tighter, miss," Lily said in her gentle voice. The maid nodded and tighten it a bit.

The maid help the girl in her dress and her hair.

" nothing too special, Just a normal Dutch braid," Lily said, the nodded and tied it with a blue ribbon.

Lily put on her black lace boots, ready to go outside, " Thank you miss," Lily said before she exit her room, the maid bowed in respect of the lady.

Lily walked in the halls of the phantomhive manor, and saw a portrait of a woman with long blue hair, She was flawless.

" that is your grandmother, Claudia Phantomhive," She heard her father said beside her.

" Father, How come we never met her?," She asked.

" she died when I was still unmarried, I'm sure she would be happy to meet you and your brothers if she was alive," Vincent said and glance back to his sixteen year old daughter.

' Mother, how she resembles you so much,' Vincent thought.

" Undertaker would be coming over, Please meet with us outside by the garden," Vincent said to Lily, She nodded and followed her father.

By the time she was outside she saw her little brother and cousin playing and her mother and aunt by the picnic blanket.

" Mother, Auntie," She said before walking over to them.

" Little Lily, how much she has grown," Angelina said and cuddled Lily in her arms.

" Mother, Father said undertaker would be arriving soon," Lily said.

" Oh yes, Your father wanted to meet with him, since it's been so long since they had a time together, Undertaker is very fond of your father," Rachel said while giggling gently.

" Rachel, Children, Undertaker is here," Vincent said to his family, the grey haired man glance to the small children.

" Hello, this must be little ciel," He said and patted the boy's head and Elizabeth's head.

He walked over to angelina and Rachel's side, He glance to the young girl with blue hair.

" and who might be this young lady?," He asked.

" This is Lily Phantomhive, my eldest child," Vincet said. Undertaker take her hand and brought it to his lips.

" Pleasure to meet you, Lily," He said before gently kissing the back of her hand.

the eldest Phantomhive( Black butler fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang