True Colors

520 9 23

"Remember Miss Rose, no weapons!"

"How come she gets to use a weapon but I can't?!"

"'Cause that's her arm, Rubes." Eclipse said flatly.

"I don't need my arm to beat her-" Ruby launched a punch at Yang only for the blonde to block it.

"Ugh you jerk!"

"Yang keep your arm on." Eclipse rolled her eyes. "Don't be an idiot."

Yang caught Ruby in a headlock causing the girl to struggle against her arm. She thrashed around trying to kick her sister before finally throwing her head back hitting Yang in the chin.

"What the-" Yang let go, rubbing her chin and taking a step back. "Well that's new."

"Ha! I don't need a weapo- ah!"

Yang swept her leg under Ruby's feet making the girl fall on her butt.

"Still not enough to beat your big sis though." the blonde smirked.

"Wha- but- stop doing that!" she stammered. "You know I always forget that!"

"Eh you lost. Sorry little sis." Ruby stuck her tongue out at her. "Alright, so I've won against Nora, Jaune, and now Ruby. Who's next?"

"Eclipse!" Ruby and Nora called.


"Beat her."

"Why is this my life?" Eclipse sighed as she walked onto the mat.

'Oscar I believe this fight is one you will want to pay attention to,' Ozpin told the boy.

"No holds bar?" Yang asked.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Eclipse smirked.

They squared off on the mat, Yang with her gauntlets back on, Ruby starting the countdown.


Yang fired the first shot with Eclipse dodging the explosive round and aiming a kick at the blonde. She ducked under her leg. She grabbed Eclipse's leg and threw the older teen across the mat but Eclipse simply landed in a crouch before standing again.

Yang fired multiple shots while Eclipse dodged each one until she fired too many. Eclipse crossed her arms in front of her face, grinding her heel into the ground and bracing for the hit. The rounds hit creating a smoke cloud in front of her.

"Eclipse!" Nora shouted. "No!"

The smoke cleared revealing an unscathed Eclipse but the same couldn't be said for her jacket. A hole was burned through the sleeve.

"My jacket..." Eclipse muttered as she saw the damage. She slipped off the bomber and threw it to the floor.

Oscar gasped as he saw it; her arm was free of any burns.

'How did she...'

She rushed Yang, momentarily catching the blonde off guard. She threw Eclipse over her shoulder but the noirette simply landed on her feet keeping a strong grip on Yang's arm. She took the blonde with her as she straightened back up, throwing her to the ground. She landed with a thud and Eclipse quickly pinned her to the mat.

"Get off!" Yang struggled against her grip.

"Is that a yield I hear? No?" Eclipse teased.

"Fine, fine, I yield! Now get off!"

Eclipse grinned and stood holding a hand out to Yang. She took it and stood brushing herself off.

"I win~" Eclipse sang.

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