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"Did you forget your manners while you were away?"

Jacques Schnee turned and walked to his desk, which was a few steps up from the chairs and tables where he and Ironwood were just sitting. Weiss looked annoyed at the comment but calmed herself with a sigh.

"No, Father. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Can you believe there are still people in the world that blame Atlas for what happened to Beacon? To Vale?" Jacques calmly ranted.

Weiss wasn't sure what she was meant to say, it had been a while before she had to watch what she said to people. This carefully that is.

"Well, they weren't there."

Weiss began walking across the room to stand before his desk.

"It's a wonder Ironwood wasn't stripped of his rank."

Jacques finally sat down, swinging the seat so that his back was to Weiss.

"I suppose the council trusts him, for better or worse." he continued.

"I trust him."

Jacques sighed and turned toward his daughter. "Thanks to him, Atlas is forbidden from exporting Dust to other Kingdoms. 'A precautionary measure', as he puts it, 'until we're certain no one is going to declare war'. How anyone could possibly find that to be sound logic is beyond me."

Weiss blinked at her father, feeling uncomfortable. There was one framed picture on the desk, and it was of Whitley. Weiss was sure that he had swapped the photo out multiple times. From his wife, to Winter, to her, and now to Whitley.

"Which is why the Schnee Dust Company will be holding a charity concert in the coming weeks." Jacques told her.

Weiss looked up at him in surprise.

"We need to show the people of Remnant that we are on their side. That we are all victims of the fall of Beacon."

"That's... wonderful news." Weiss said carefully.

"I know. And I think it would make a lot of people happy if you performed at the event."

"Excuse me?"

"Many forget that you were there. My own daughter, a Schnee, on the grounds, defending another Kingdom! We need to remind them! And we need to show them that the Schnee family is just as strong as ever!"

"Are you asking me if I'd like to sing, or telling me?" Weiss asked.

Jacques leaned forward and made a tent with the fingers of his hand as he meaningfully gazed at the girl.

"I think it would make a lot of people happy," he said finally.

Weiss sighed. "I'll start practicing."

"That's... my girl." Jacques leaned back and turned around in his chair so his back faced his daughter. "We mustn't disappoint the Kamiyas after all. They always think they're better than us."

"Of course not, Father."

Weiss sighed as she closed the door behind her. She found herself missing the idiot who would come running out of nowhere and throw an arm over the her shoulders without knowing what had happened before she appeared. She found herself missing the strange noirette who she'd unknowingly gotten comfortable with and started wondering if she was okay.

They had all seen how battered Eclipse looked as Qrow carried her and ruby to the airship what if...?

She stood straighter and moved the thoughts to the back of her mind. The heiress didn't have time for 'what ifs' when she still had to practice for her obviously mandatory performance. Weiss turned to find a familiar butler waiting for her with a tray.

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