An idiot but not a fool

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Eclipse shouldn't have put her bed above the door. She realized this at 2:48 am shortly after falling from it.

She's not entirely sure why she decided to drill her bed above the door. Unlike the girls, she didn't have a lot of clothes or decor that took up space and the bookshelf that held her figurines and (obviously) books was already there when they all arrived which meant her bed had fit comfortably next to it.

However, Eclipse knew that she would be at Beacon for a while and over that time she knew that she would acquire enough "souvenirs" for that comfort to change and so her bed hovered tauntingly above her.

The noirette could swear she heard a voice in the back of her head saying, Look at the consequences of your actions. Foolish child. But that didn't make sense (Eclipse would never call herself a child).

Eclipse wasn't a fool. An idiot, possibly, but never a fool.

A fool would assume that because she stopped waking up in a cold sweat from her nightmares she didn't have to worry about things like this.

An idiot would acknowledge the possibility of her current situation and attach her damn bed to the ceiling anyways.

You can tell which one Eclipse was.

The noirette had been rudely awakened mid fall and swiftly activated her Semblance, creating a small, barely working shadow platform to cushion her fall and keep her from waking her roommates.

She now sat cross legged on the floor in front of the door trying to remember what she had dreamt that made her thrash around enough to fall out of her bed. It was strange really. Why would someone try to remember something like that? But to Eclipse not knowing made it worse. She could only imagine if she didn't wake up before she hit the ground. She knows that Blake at the least would've woken up and while the girl never usually pried, she has to get curious at some point.

Get fed up with the secrecy.

Eclipse simply liked to know what happened so if she chose to (which she most definitely wouldn't) she could explain the problem to someone.

She fiddled with her ring. She owned a lot of jewelry the many holes lining her ear being proof of that. Eclipse remembered the first time her and Ruby had met, the small girl immediately asked about her weapon before moving onto her piercings.

"There's nothing special about them." Eclipse had laughed. "I just got bored one day and decided to get them done."

"Don't lie to my niece, Queenie." Qrow rasped having just downed a drink Eclipse made him. "She did most of those herself."

"Really?!" Ruby's eyes lit up.

Eclipse had immediately taken a liking to the girl even if she didn't completely show it. Showing her emotions towards other people was hard to get used to again especially when it was never actually expected of her before.

As a kid- well her childhood was a story for a different day. One where she wasn't sitting in just a sports bra and pajama pants on the floor of their dorm room.

She stood up shakily and brushed herself off. She decided somewhere during her reminiscing and unorganized thoughts that she might as well get some coffee.

She slipped on her normal black gloves and a hoodie (since according to Weiss walking around without a shirt on is improper) before grabbing her journal and leaving.

If walking around without a shirt on is improper then she can't wait for Weiss' hissy fit about her not wearing shoes.

Did she sometimes annoy Weiss on purpose? Yes.

Did she feel bad about it? Not really.

Eclipse will swear until the day she dies that espresso and black coffee are disgusting and she would rather attend back to back formal events than drink either but desperate situations call for desperate solutions.

So here she was sitting in the student break room, a mug of black coffee in front of her, and her journal in hand opened to an unfinished sketch of a bow.

The bow was designed to work two ways. 1. As a instrument and 2. As a weapon.

She was toying with the idea of a violin, considering how it would look and how it would transform. She would never admit it out loud but she wanted someone to help with it.

Eclipse needed other people around to function, she'd go insane without it. She didn't even need to like the person, she just needed company, it's how she always was. The silence around her was deafening and it made her realize she should've brought her scroll with her.

Blake walking in was probably the best thing to happen while at the same time making her want to bash her head on a wall.

The other noirette seemed to notice Eclipse's struggle. Whether it was the mental/emotional struggle or the struggle she was having this damn sketch Eclipse couldn't tell.

But regardless Blake raised an eyebrow, simply getting a wave of dismissal in response.

Blake, like Eclipse, was still in her pajamas however she had left her hair bow behind letting her cat ears be seen. She didn't seem bothered by it for once so Eclipse elected not to say anything.

"Is something wrong?" Blake asked, sitting across from the other teen.

"Just a stupid weapon design."

"Hm." She spared a glance at the design from over her cup of tea. Eclipse didn't understand how the girl functioned without at least one cup of coffee a day. "Is that a violin?"

"Yeah." Eclipse sighed. She ran a hand through her hair, a terrible idea since her hand quickly got stuck until she ultimately had to yank it out. "These fucking— I'm- I'm trying to make this weapon. I want it to work as a bow as well as an instrument but I can't get the damn design right!"

"Have you tried asking Weiss? Her family is close to a weapons company, aren't they?"

Eclipse resisted the urge to snort at that. "As tempting as that is, Angel doesn't know much about weapon engineering. Sure she can tell when a design is nice and she's great at fighting but engineering isn't really something she knows too much about."

"Hm." Blake hummed again. A habit, Eclipse noticed. "What's that for anyways? You're not planning murder or something are you?"

"I'm both offended and flattered by the fact murder accusations are the first thing you thought of but this is actually for someone. Sort of..." Eclipse sighed again. "My baby brother- well he's actually just a few years younger but that doesn't matter. He played violin and whenever I get bored or really tired I design things like this and so I just made this. It's dedicated to him in a way."

"...Well there's always Oobleck. Who knows maybe he's an engineer too." Blake smiled behind her mug.

Eclipse smiled back, both teens exhausted. "Who knows."

They had settled into a short silence when Weiss walked in. And soon it became a sort of twisted tradition for the three of them.
Aight I know the next chapter was supposed to be part of volume 4 but the statement 'Eclipse wasn't a fool. An idiot, possibly, but never a fool.' Came to me and my motivation turned into me writing a full chapter.

Personally I think the sporadic (imma pretend I didn't have to write that 5 different ways until autocorrect got it right) nature of this chapter represents Eclipse's headspace during it pretty well so good job me now go the fuck to sleep you've got shit to do later

Anygays I'm still on vacation my brain just never stops running so here's to hoping this isn't complete shit now as usual have a good night/morning and goodbye~

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