Goddess of Fidelity (SIGYN)

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The tears flooding my vision made him difficult to see. If only I could've done something about the sound.

His yells were interrupted by spitting and coughing. He moaned with a sadness that was deeper than pain, though that was still present, especially since his shoulder was sickeningly twisted out of place.

I wouldn't have been surprised if all the other attendees had their ears equally covered as their eyes. The only thing I could do was beg, "Please have mercy upon him!" I sobbed until I slumped forward, only held upright by the taut rope around my belly. We hovered in the same place for hours, waiting for some signal of the end.

Loki's voice faded from overuse. When he was nearly silent, Odin answered my many calls. "Don't despair, Eddasdottir—we'll return to the palace by sunset."

But the sun's going down. What felt like too long was now desperately short. "You're...you're leaving him here?"

"He's far from death. A thousand years, an age, a whole new universe might see his end."

For the first time, I tried to free myself, desperate to make an attempt of...anything. The guards weren't prepared for my swift kicks backward.

Odin had the audacity to chuckle at my effort. "And what will you do now? What mercy would you suggest?"

And if I return to my old life, what will become of me anyway? A wash of calm freed me of all obligations. Nothing waited for me in my old home but Tiwaz, who would make his own way well enough.

I let the surety in my voice speak for itself. "Let me stay with him."

"His punishment has been set. No one may free him from this fate."

"And I won't be able to do that, but I'll never stop speaking of his greatness. I'll never believe in another king." My tears slowed and I sniffed them back in an effort of strength. "You were right—I am guilty of treason like he is. The only just choice is to let me die at his side."

"You would rather give up—"

"My life is worth nothing to all whom I knew, so yes. I would sacrifice what I have in exchange for the guilt of questioning his fate from afar."

They all shuffled behind me. Who or why, I didn't guess. Between the waterfall and my own overpowering pulse, their whispering evaporated.

Until the guards released my arms. The rope slackened. They turned me to face the Allfather, still keeping me cuffed to the pole.

"You are quite brave to be so bold for Loki." His stern, unmoving face was a monument of hidden emotions.

Thor, on the other hand, averted his gaze.

Right. Look away like the coward you are.

Odin struck his sceptre one last time into the floor. "Sigyn is released to grant him mercy. I'd like to see her best attempt."

My bonds were all broken and I fell over, unaware how weak I was after standing in the same place for so long. The many burns etched into my skin from the rope and the cuffs would have to wait for my attention.

I was free, but had no plan as I scrambled to stand. Grant him mercy with myself alone?

As if he read my mind, Odin barked, "No weapons," making eyes with all the other people on the glider.

The order didn't surprise me, though it did leave me an opportunity. I searched the floor of the glider for anything not attached to someone else. Perhaps I would be fortunate and find something that could end his life much sooner than was planned.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now