Naive (SIGYN)

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He stirred at my side, rumbling enough to wake me. The door that led out to the balcony was open, letting in fresh air and an early orange sunrise.

Loki and I made love through the night, learning each other and forgetting the world. Many of my adolescent fantasies were realized, all of which paled in comparison to reality. The power I had over him was addictive, and I was the one who roused him for more, over and over again. He attacked my body with ferocity—as much as he could give without hurting himself, anyway.

His eyes were still closed, but he faced me in bed beneath the white sheets. Black hair scattered around his face, framing him. Loki's sharp features were free for me to admire—his deep brows matched his locks, his nose had a slight curve, and his high cheekbones shadowed the rest of his face. To my delight, his thin lips were deceptive; Loki knew how to use those lips well, and he kissed me all over to prove it.

I could've spent hours gazing at his countenance and memorizing every angle, but with the day fast approaching, the spell of the room would soon be broken. Loki would need to resume his role as king, and I would go back to being his callservant. I traced his features delicately with my index finger to bring him back to the realm.

His eyes twitched before he opened them with a sideways smile. He spoke with impish energy, but that didn't spoil his flattery. "Why, what is this? A maiden of Asgard leading me out of the dark and into a new day?" He ran his thumb over my eyebrow and down my jawline before lightly squeezing my earlobe. "Her ravenous appetite for me seems insatiable."

I shuddered. He wasn't wrong. "Aye...and who lays before me but the king himself?"

Loki chuckled under his breath, reminding me of weeks ago when the sound of his laugh was an ominous warning. Now, I welcomed it—and his advancing face. "It is so. And one is helpless to deny me!" He attacked with tickles beneath the covers and rolled over me, our nakedness inciting us to join together once again. I spread my legs and welcomed him, stretching my arms high above so he might delight me with more kisses up my neck. He didn't disappoint.

A few hard thrusts. His forehead touching mine. Again. It sent jolts up and down my back each time he dove deep into me. I bit my lower lip and hummed to keep my moans more quiet in the light. His temperature chilled me enough to keep the beading sweat along my forehead at bay.

"Sigyn..."—he finished with a final push and panted with a smile—"...are you satisfied?"

I hadn't come that time, but my body was spent and exhausted. Soreness would set in soon enough. He might've been content to ignore the duties of the day, but I could not. "I'm afraid reality won't wait for more. But I would be a fool to say I wasn't pleased with you, Loki."

He closed his eyes, exited me, but laid his heavy body on mine while taking a noisy deep breath. "Mm...say it again."

Why his name was a spell, I knew not, but I wouldn't refuse. "Loki," I whispered and nibbled his earlobe.


"Oh, Loki."

He gripped my shoulders and gave me the same gift. "Sigyn."

I snickered and tried to roll away. "We can't do this all day, you know."

"Can't we?" He rubbed his nose beside mine for a moment, then kissed me. It was different from the ones we'd had before that were all pauses in sweaty lust—no, this kiss sent my very reasonable and level-headed self into panic.

If an affair with you goes sour, what will happen to me then?

As soon as I had the thought, it settled, whisked away by the constant rolling of my stomach which matched the pace of my thumping heart. I laced my hands in Loki's soft curls and tenderly traded lips with him. Our tongues stayed bound and restrained in our mouths, as if the gentle breaths we shared were far more intimate than anything we'd done during the night.

I hoped my mother's warnings were overblown and wouldn't apply to whatever was budding between us. Without prompting or obvious pining from me, Loki desired me on his own—he could've easily disguised himself and sought pleasure elsewhere if that was his only aim. "Consider me yours, King Loki."

He lit from within at this and finally rolled away to face the ceiling. "Speaking of must report to your master soon, yes?"

I sighed and crawled from the bed to find my robe on the floor by the washbasin. "Indeed. Not much time for me to prepare things. I should go." The cape was piled where I left it as well, though luckily the small pin was still in place so I could fasten it quickly. I slipped the robe over my head easily, careful not to snag the hole I made the day before. As I fluffed my hair to pin it, the sore spots where he'd pulled it all night made a map of our passion.

Loki glanced at me with a sideways expression. He lifted his left arm and hissed, curling against his shoulder.

"Now, let me see that." I sat at his side and opened the brooch pin to unwrap his shoulder. "I'm afraid the last of that numbing medicine was wasted, but I'll find some more today."

He kept his eyes closed while I examined the wound, which was bruised an awful purple and blue but didn't have the same ugly opening it did before. "Pain is good, yes?"

"Yes. Right now, it's good. But if it gets worse, don't hesitate to let me know." Since it wasn't marred with blood, I put the bandage tight against his skin again.

Loki watched me carefully. His eyes searched me for something that his words didn't ask for.

"What is it?" I asked, worried he knew something I didn't.

After I spoke, he shook his head, keeping whatever was on his mind to himself.

It seemed too much to pry, so I stood to leave. The black sheath of his underarmor was still draped against the dresser top, and I brought it back to him with tender hands. "Here. Why not spend a few minutes this morning mending this, as you planned to. I...I'm sorry I didn't give you any time for it last night."

He took it from me slowly, rubbing his thumb against the open hole in the front. Like before, his face twitched with inner thought.

I finished gathering everything on the supper tray, ready to move forward. Before exiting through the secret passage, I turned to see him one last time.

Loki nodded to himself as if having a private argument. It reminded me of the day we met and he mumbled to ghosts in the dark. Whatever concerned him, it wasn't me.

He noticed I was staring and turned my way. Once he did, the slightest smile graced his lips. "Better get to work now."

I sighed to calm my worried heart. Hope for a happy future crept in. "Yes, Loki."

If only I'd known what a foolish hope it was.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now