The Soldier's Ask (LOKI)

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The new peace over Asgard settled in the most unlikely places, and my duties of judgment were greatly reduced. Much of my time on the throne was spent fielding questions from soldiers about ranks and promotions, receiving thanks from families whose homes were rebuilt, and blessing those who asked for my support as Allfather—be it for men coming of age or those engaging in marriage. The atmosphere of the noble floor was no longer thick with the cries of criminals; they were so few, only two guards patrolled the dungeons at any given time. My people were happy.

I wished Mother could've seen how I made up for my shortcomings. Even Odin might've been impressed, had I given him the chance.

Sunset always marked a time for solitude and reflection, and this one stained the sky in bright orange. It was warm, promising, yet something hid within that I couldn't define. But before I could retire to Odin's chambers, Theoric marched toward me in full regalia, clenching his jaw. His eyes twitched as if he practiced a speech in his mind before reaching my feet.

As much as I buried my jealousy for his fortune, he was a staple in my daily dealings with the soldiers. Being short with him would've resounded through our other business, so I chose cordiality despite how it pained me. "Ivanson, back so soon? Did we not already discuss your men today?"

"I'm here on a decidedly more...personal errand, Allfather," he said, kneeling before me and bowing his head.

My stomach dropped. So here he was. I knew he'd come. How long has it been? A few months, at most? I tapped on the sceptre, commanding my face to remain as stoic as possible. "Go on."

"I've come to ask for your blessing, Sire, as I wish to wed the fair daughter of Edda, Sigyn." He met my gaze this time. His strong demeanor crumbled before me, no less anxious than any of the younger men or women who came to my throne asking this same favor. "Should you approve, we will do so in a fortnight."

I hummed and nodded, looking at the floor directly in front of him and the reflection of his blood-colored armor. How badly I wished he was lying in a pool of it.

I must've paused for too long.


"Yes." I raised my face and recited the same canned questions I asked all who requested such things. "Son of Ivan, what are your full intentions?"

He cleared his throat, already prepared. Of course he was. "To make her my wife, honor her, exalt her, and give her pleasure."

I bristled at his last words. "And your progeny?"

"Should she desire motherhood, I will grant her to it. However, I would like to see her serve in the guard first as she is so well-suited with a sword. Such a skilled fighter shouldn't waste their skills."

It wasn't my place to argue over his plans—what if they'd discussed this many times, and she simply had not yet come to me for assignment? Sigyn had talent and made it clear my worry over her during the war was unnecessary, even insulting. "You're certain she shares your plans for the future?"

He chuckled. "Well, she hasn't given me any indication otherwise."

Her attitude on the archery field flashed in my mind, but I couldn't stall any longer. I hoped he'd say something that might indicate how wrong they were for one another. All evidence pointed to the contrary—it was I who didn't match her.

"Theoric Ivanson, your blessing is granted. I, Odin Allfather, son of King Bor, will marry you to Sigyn Eddasdottir on the fortnight." I slammed Gungnir on the ground in finality and turned to one of the omnipresent guards on either side of me. "That will be enough for today." I stood to retreat as soon as possible.

"Wait, Sire," Theoric said, also standing to keep me in place. "I have another ask, if it's not too much."

My tone dripped with heartache that I tried to deny, reflected in slow words and a lower pitch. "What is it, boy?"

He gulped, fidgeting with his fingers, shrinking his shoulders to appear meek. "Is it possible to receive some indication, perhaps a token, that could represent a blessing from the queen as well?"

My raging heart thumped in my ears. I clenched my open fist so hard, I was certain it would cramp and bleed from my own nails. "I beg your pardon?"

"The queen...would she not also bless our union?"

I tipped my face to the side and glared. "A blessing from the king is not enough for you? What makes you think invoking Frigga's spirit is appropriate?"

"Well, Siggy—"

"Siggy," I sneered. "What a disgusting, infantile nickname. Don't ever say it to me again."

Theoric's wide eyes wouldn't blink. He stepped back. "Forgive me, Allfather. I meant no offense."

"Of course not. You have no connection to Frigga, but Sigyn does, is that it?" I scoffed. "Pitiful. You will not receive any comfort or token from me that would suggest the Goddess of Love smiles upon you, do you understand?"

His mouth hung open, wordless, with no more excuses or apologies.

I skulked in his direction, feeling more like myself with each step. "More than once you've come to me, recommending Sigyn for service, inquiring if she could be part of the Valkyrie. Every time, I've said yes. But where is she now? You claim she shares your vision for the future, but does she? Have you actually asked besides putting a weapon in her hand and telling her to win?"

His face dropped at this. Theoric curled into himself ever more with my outbursts.

"I've granted you what you asked me. But, son of Ivan, you have forgotten that it is not my word that binds you together. It's hers." I slammed Gungnir into the marble floor once more, truly finished with our interaction before marching away.

I didn't have anything to lose by being short with him now—she was already gone.

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