Regret (LOKI)

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I couldn't look her in the eye. Couldn't catch my breath, either. Pain sizzled over my body in the familiar burns of Thor's lightning. The taste of iron poured over my tongue, even though it had been hours since my lip was severed. My wrists were too tightly snarled behind my back, forcing me to lean forward unnaturally. Hiding behind my hair was the only way to avoid Sigyn's stares, which begged for guidance I couldn't offer.

She shouldn't have been brought into this. No one should've known how close we were. But I was naïve to think my ruse was perfect, just as I was naïve to think we might've had more than a single day of happiness.

When I awoke in her arms the day before, it felt natural. Easy. Like I spent my whole life searching for a place I needn't compete for, and here it was. She welcomed and desired me, even praised me when I hadn't asked for it. It was a balm I didn't know I needed, like everything she did. I gave her my garment because it no longer belonged to me—every time I looked at it, I thought of her. She deserved some affirmation of security. For the first time in my life, I wanted it to last.

Theoric was late to war council, as I predicted, though I had to act as if I knew nothing about why. He wasn't his usual, congenial self, and he whispered to his soldiers with a scowl.

"Ivanson," I said, drawing all eyes to him, "your delay reflects upon us all, does it not?"

He stood with an obedient salute. "My apologies, Allfather."

I let the silence bleed some of the tension away, though it still pulsed from him. "Anything you wish to—"

"No, Allfather," he said, taking a risk to interrupt me, though no one accused him of doing so.

"Right...perhaps it is best to keep that which is personal to yourself." I gave him a sideways glance, commanding myself not to smirk in the process.

Theoric averted his gaze, prompting one of the men to speak up on his behalf.

"Or perhaps he should celebrate being free of such a wench..."

I shot up from the throne, not sure what I could say that wouldn't expose myself too much.

But Theoric took the man by the neck before I had the chance, still filled with rage he hadn't yet exhausted before reporting to council. "She is no such thing. I'm not certain of what I heard, but I'm certain Sigyn will become my wife in due time, so you had better mind your tongue." He released the other soldier with a shove, nearly toppling him to the floor.

I stepped closer. "What do you think you heard?"

He hesitated, glancing at his remaining men. A collective, uncomfortable silence settled over them. "I need to discuss it with her alone. It is not...prudent to share in the king's audience," Theoric said.

"Surely you lacked prudence when you said whatever made this man describe her with such ugliness. Before you claim it does not concern me, know that everything regarding the people of this palace is my business."

He gritted his teeth, still unwilling to be truthful with me, but what choice did he have? "I passed her chamber last night and believe I heard—" His reluctance to be explicit spoke volumes of his immaturity. He sighed after choosing a tame innuendo. "It sounded like carnal pleasure. I've upheld my oath and given her nothing but my care. I pray she hasn't betrayed me."

"Betrayal?" I scoffed. "Your life has been laid out for you with precision and fairness. Losing a woman to another lover—it's a trifle of a problem. She didn't accept your nonexistent proposal. Sigyn doesn't love you. Give her up and seek someone who does." Convinced that would be the final word on the matter, I turned to sit in the throne again.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now