Submission (LOKI)

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A command, she wanted—a command, she received. Sigyn twisted away from me like I asked, welcoming further instruction.

"Raise your arms," I said to the back of her neck, watching for shivers that might indicate silent protest.

But Sigyn, just as eager as I was, effortlessly lifted her hands toward the sky and held still, inviting me to do my whim. Her submission was deceiving, as she had an equal hand in drawing me close by lingering with every stolen touch.

The fabric of her robe was loose and hid treasures beneath. I ran my hands down her arms, continuing over the curves of her waist and hips where things weren't as smooth. With deliberate slowness, I tugged at the string around her back, releasing her clothing all the more.

The more I touched her, the harder she breathed. Her whole body trembled in anticipation, not fear, which I knew from the way she pushed her backside into me, craving more contact.

"You want to know what I want?" I made no mistake of my intent—grasping the folds of the robe, I slid it over her head, revealing her naked torso. My cape, marking her like property, covered the rest. "Didn't think I'd need to tell you."

With every word, she shuddered. Sigyn dropped her arms gracefully over her chest, possibly because my presence made her cold. She peeked over her shoulder at me. "Let me see you."

Her request sent a rush through my loins. I nodded and removed the rest of my clothing, baring myself below the waist. My body was ready for her. Sigyn reviewed me up and down, settling on my face again. Her sapphire eyes, bright and wide, fixed on me with a wicked tease.

"You are a god, aren't you?"

I smiled at her obvious appraisal, which only proved she wasn't shy or inexperienced. As I preferred. "See all I've been burdened with?" The playful mood relieved my fear of pushing her too far.

Something about the way she coyly faced the floor said I wasn't moving fast enough. She exposed the pin at the base of her hair. I pulled it until her rich caramel locks cascaded in a twist down her back—a waft of sweetness floated over me, making my mouth water all the more to savor her.

Sigyn reached behind and found my hands, pulling them around to the front of her belly. Without saying a word, she directed my right index finger to the small clasp that kept the cape in place. A quick pinch and it was gone, dropping the fabric to the floor.

We stood nude together, with only the bandage on my shoulder keeping us from being completely exposed.

I dragged my lips over her bare shoulder and pressed into the soft flesh around her hips. It forgave under my pressure just like she did, moving her head so I could have greater purchase to her neck. Our reflection in the mirror ahead proved what a gorgeous creature she was. Her skin was free from blemishes though a few choice moles speckled her back, her neck, and the top of her breasts—I'd taste them all in time, surely. The shape of her body and the curve of her stomach suggested she was stronger than she seemed. Sigyn flexed and cooed with my touch, putting her hands on top of mine and following my every move to give her approval. Not once did she hesitate or ask me to stop—instead, she melted into me like a dancer following a graceful lead.

How long had it been since I felt the heat of another? Not since I was dropped from the edge of the Bifrost...but I couldn't remember if my last conquest was one of the Valkyrie or a woman from Midgard. Or perhaps it was Álarr, Prince of Alfheim, who last laid his lips against mine. Whomever it was, they couldn't compare to the woman who beguiled me with little more than the sway of her walk.

No—Sigyn really was on fire in body and spirit. She nearly matched my height and didn't hide her desires. In the past, I kept lovers at arm's length on purpose, but she wasn't a stranger to me anymore; Sigyn snaked into my psyche somehow, sidling up against my most well-kept secrets, picking apart every vulnerable thread and unraveling my harsh façade.

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