Proper Courtship (SIGYN)

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Homeless Asgardians still filled the basement of the palace, which meant longer shifts in the kitchen. As a result, I hadn't the time to meet privately with the soldier for almost a week—he was equally busy with relief efforts outside, helping with the city's rebuild.

Thyra must've grown tired of my not having news to share and volunteered to take my place so I could meet with Theoric in the evening. Not wanting to disappoint him, I painted my eyes—somewhat modestly in comparison to how I looked at the victory banquet, but still decorated nonetheless—and was sure to curl my hair and pin it with intricate plaits. Now that I knew about his celibacy pledge, I felt less pressure to impress him with my body, which allowed me to relax and focus on getting to know him instead.

He knocked on my door right at sunset, as he'd promised in his note the night before. Tiwaz jumped from my bed and hid under it. It was better than his growls, anyway.

I took a final glance at myself in the mirror on my desk and swung the door wide. "You certainly are a man of your word."

His armor was still vibrant, even in the basement shadows. Theoric bowed, unable to lean down very far because of his breastplate's constriction. "I'm running late, actually, but I didn't want to leave you waiting."

My informal black robe felt inappropriate next to him, and I fidgeted with the skirt. "Am I too casual for what you have planned?"

"No—you look beautiful." He pecked my knuckles while holding my gaze, sending a medley of flutters through me, which competed with a slight nausea for his cologne again. "I need to change to match you instead. Perhaps you wouldn't mind accompanying me to the barracks so we won't lose time together?"

I nodded excitedly. "Of course. Lead the way."

He offered me his arm, which was mostly covered in metal plates that matched his red torso. The black sheath that peeked through was darker than Loki's, as if it hadn't had time to wear out. After the battle when we met, though, he mentioned needing to mend it, so I was sure Liv was mistaken and he likely had many scars decorating his skin. With his physique, I looked forward to learning them all.

After he'd bathe, of course.

We strolled across the gilded walkway in front of the palace and into the city streets. Lamplighters climbed ladders to ignite torches for another night of festivities. Victory celebrations continued.

"Have you seen much of the city since last week?" he asked.

"No. Truth be told, beyond going outside to fight, I've scarcely left the palace in years."

"Ah. That might explain your tugging, since we need to go the other way."

"Oh—" I stopped, now aware that I'd been leading him straight ahead because Mother used to take me down the same path to see my grandparents ages ago.

He chuckled. "Don't fret. I'm not judging you. The wonder in your eyes is somewhat charming."

"I admit, the city feels different than it used to be. Everything was tall and imposing."

"That might be because of the damage. May I show you some of what we've done so far? It's on the way."

I wanted to ask if he'd been commissioned to find space for a great statue of Loki, fallen son of Asgard, but I bit my tongue instead. "Of course. I'm fascinated by all people who somehow make all evidence of battle disappear."

"Well, it might not be as perfect as that, but the king has great plans for his city. This way." With a kind smile, Theoric encouraged me to let him guide, and I merely kept hold of him for the sake of closeness.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now