Cornered (SIGYN)

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Denying him was a mistake.

The instant I returned to my room and found Tiwaz sleeping on the bundled green cape, nauseating guilt rested in the pit of my stomach. Loki hadn't come to my room in a sinister violation of my space or me—he simply returned the token I'd technically stolen in the first place. It wasn't his fault that my dreams left me reeling and confused. Instead, the healer I brought upstairs might discover his secret by being close to him; in that case, the blame would belong to me alone.

Now that I was away and imagined Peorth's delicate hands on his shoulders, my guilt morphed into jealousy. Somehow I thought he'd reject the idea of someone else assisting him and didn't consider that his ask for help was genuine. Was he still in pain, or was he toying with me? Were my instincts off? I dragged my hand over the top of the cape and remembered what Loki asked for when he returned it. Proof of loyalty.

He wished to see it on me.

Perhaps I could play off my act with the healer if I feigned genuine naivety. I pinned the cape on with an extra clasp from my desk. The skirt wasn't as secure with the smaller fastener, but it would do. Running upstairs to grovel wouldn't have done me any favors, so I wiled away the afternoon with excess kitchen duty and prayed False Odin could maintain his own illusion for the unexpected visitor I thrust upon him.


The sun had barely dipped below the horizon when Peorth's red hair caught my eye before dinner. I stared at her curiously, wishing I could read her mind or her movements for clues about the time she spent upstairs—was it my imagination, or did she pause in my line of sight on purpose?

Attempting to remain nonchalant, I gathered items for False Odin's supper tray and found an excuse to stand by her side near the silverware. "Good evening, Peorth."

"Aye, good evening, Sigyn," she replied, eyeing me from the side of her face.

I swallowed hard and held an indifferent tone. "Is the Allfather well?"

"Yes. He's nearly healed from yesterday. Has more strength than he seems."

"Thank Valhalla." I took the few pieces of flatware I needed, satisfied with Peorth's answer and confident that Loki wouldn't be too cross with me.

She waited a moment but moved a touch closer, enough to keep our conversation private. "I must ask, Sigyn, are you...satisfied with your position?"


"As the king's attendant. His last bandage was fine work. Your work. There was no need to bring me, and you didn't bother staying. I presume by your quick exit that you're, well, unhappy?"

"Oh. No, it's not that at all."

"Well, then, what is it?" She stopped fussing with whatever was in her hands and confronted me head-on. Her tone was harsh and unfamiliar, nothing like her normal self. "Why would you defy the king's wishes?"

"Peorth, it was not my intent—"

"Do you always fraternize with the soldiers as you did upstairs today? With the Crimson Hawk who stared at you?"

"Is that what they're called? Please, calm down. I hardly have time for myself alone—never mind someone else or one of the soldiers. As for the one earlier, if Odin hadn't announced it, I wouldn't even know his name." I caught myself tensing every muscle in my body and tried to relax, but Peorth had me cornered like a frightened animal. "Forgive me for my error. I won't ask for your assistance again."

"Right. It's a place of honor, you know—to be welcome in the king's chambers. You should take more care with all you're privy to." She glanced at my tray and cocked a brow. "Better hurry and take that upstairs. It'll be cold by the time you get it to the foyer. He's waiting for you." With that, Peorth sneered and walked away, ignoring everyone she passed to reach the hall. No one else batted an eye at her exit, making me feel like I was the only one who'd seen her at all.

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