Something Brewing (LOKI)

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One step before the other, more to the right than the left. Then again. Back and forth before the Odinsleep chamber, I practiced the proper walk suggested by Sigyn and felt more genuine than before. I should've known it myself, of course, since most of my life was spent watching his every move and trying to impress him, but I appreciated her eyes just the same.

Making my way to the tray she left, I worked through a small piece of bread and pondered the day's discussions.

The Asgardian generals reported an unknown force careening from the far reaches of the known universe. As best as they could tell, it was hostile and not from any of the nine named realms—a feat considered impossible. I knew better, since I'd fallen through the whole of existence when the Bifrost was destroyed those years ago. The things I saw...none of the simple soldiers could've escaped those prisons with a better bargain than I did, and the misguided attempt to take over Midgard was an act of desperation to earn my freedom.

I still feared the monster behind the scars that blessed me and his promise to seek revenge if I failed. Without doubt, he was on the hunt. The invaders were expected within the next few weeks—we could only wait to find out how formidable they were.

As Odin, I needed a cool head and had to direct the soldiers to act as a single mind; as myself, I was ready to fight the enemy alone and be done with it. I set a challenge to balance my new position against the urge to prove my worth as the best warrior among them. If Odin was right and a king must always be ready for war, the best way to be ready was to prepare the army.

I took a sip of tea and rubbed my hands together, sliding my right palm to the tips of my fingers, then echoing the same movement on my left side. It calmed my anxious heart for a moment, and I glanced at my hands. They were Odin's, not mine, and I reverted to myself while keeping my eyes low. The sight of my real hands reminded me of when Sigyn touched them, squeezed them, cried upon them—

No. I will not be swayed by anything resembling tenderness. It was false and out of fear. I clutched a fist with the thought. Touch made me uncomfortable since I'd learned my true heritage as a Jotun, and she was no exception. In fact, I hadn't given anyone affection beyond the girl's cat any time in recent memory. Such things were a waste of time and only served to interfere with my plans to rule permanently.

But alone, standing before the Odinsleep with only a single soul knowing my secret, I craved companionship that would validate me. After all, I ruled in a time of peace and wasn't the disaster they all feared. Mother always stood at Odin's side and supported his every action, no matter how violent or rash. Sigyn represented what life could be if I ruled in the light.

Another glance at my hands, and I relaxed. Any distraction from imminent battle was welcome. Perhaps it is a good night for a stroll.

I ignited my invisibility and wandered through the palace halls, taking my time with every step to remain silent. As if flying from above, I could watch over my people—until then, I hadn't felt safe doing so and opted to remain in Odin's chamber whenever I wasn't seen in council or at banquet. It was a safer choice to stay put. Yet what harm could it do to make sure my agreement with the feline was still in place?

It had been only two days since I'd been at her door, yet it took ages to get there. No light escaped beneath the entryway—had she already fallen asleep since seeing me upstairs? My presence wasn't lost on her companion, and he greeted me from the other side with a light scratch and a cry for release. Not wanting to be discovered, I backed away from the door, unsure if I wanted to enter her room unannounced and uninvited.

Sigyn's voice on the other side made me duck behind the nearby corner. "Fine, go out, Tee." She opened the door just enough to let him through. The animal rushed out, meowed in my general direction, then hurried toward the kitchens.

I took advantage of the open door and peeked inside. The room was still dark, but Sigyn's silhouette climbed back into bed. Her legs were bare beneath her short sleeping gown. Lying on her back, Sigyn put one of her feet on the opposite knee, flexing her calves.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought she was intentionally showing off her physique for my benefit.

My stomach stirred as my heart rate rose, and my invisible smile grew in equal fashion.

Perhaps now is a good time to leave.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now