Awakened From A Dream (SIGYN)

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A rumble on my chest awoke me. Tiwaz, my beloved cat, kneaded my cheek with his soft paws and whined beneath his purrs to tell me he needed breakfast. His blond fur, nearly as long as his impressive whiskers, tickled my nose.

I stroked him to orient myself. My quarters. My bed. Dressed in gray from the night before. My hair was still half-tied in a coif at the back of my head, though it was messy from being slept on. The night was a blur, and I couldn't remember anything beyond speaking with Odin in Frigga's chambers at sunset.

Did I dream at all?

Either way, the day would not wait for me, and the sun's position said I was behind schedule. After getting Tiwaz situated with some scraps from the kitchen, I began work on the huge mess from yesterday's banquet. No one asked my whereabouts from the night before, thankfully, though I had an excuse ready if they did. Given the state of my hair and my clothes, it stood to reason that I was unwell and fell asleep at an unnaturally early hour.

A true carnage of soiled dishes made up my task for the day, and I set upon them with fervor. A busy body cannot think too much, and Father always said manual labor builds character. The mountains of plates and mounds of silverware would be a beast to tackle on my own, but I enjoyed working without company. It let me daydream that I was someplace else.

I pumped water into the sinks and imagined it was a mountain spring instead. Chores were a necessary part of living anyway, so why should I be stuck in a basement kitchen when I could pretend to clean things in the sunlight? Yet goosebumps surfaced over my legs, and I shivered when a draft flowed in from the hall. Cold didn't belong in my fantasy. I patted my hips to make sure my second skirt was in place properly, and—


It wasn't there. No wonder I'd felt the air with such little protection over me. I sighed to know I'd have to work while chilled and cursed myself for whatever happened last night that made me remove the green sheet but kept me from stepping into a proper nightgown. Tiwaz would surely roll around on it in my absence and leave small blond threads all over.

Irritating? Sure, but I couldn't focus on the skirt for long. Too much to do.

Apart from getting no memorable sleep, the day wasn't unlike any other. As long as the few other servants who brought in more work didn't develop the ability to read my mind, I could forget about the nag in my belly over upsetting Odin.

So I hoped.

By mid-day, the mountains in the kitchen were reduced to less than half their size. My hands were pleated from the water, but it helped relieve the calluses that speckled my fingers and palms. I drained another batch of hot water to take a small break since finishing one load meant another would pour in soon enough. Precious moments to relax during the day made me envy nobility, who only came to the palace for business or parties while adorned in metal and jewels. They didn't have to prove their worth—it was presumed. Serving Frigga was as close as I'd ever come to such a status, and I only had the opportunity because Mother attended her before me. The servantry was one of the few places in Asgard where nepotism made a difference outside of the throne room.

Though my life was simple, I was grateful for it. Once my hands returned to a normal shape, I stood to resume my duties.

I didn't get far.

Two soldiers, made taller by their lifted black boots and crescent-topped gold helmets, marched towards me in unison.

My pulse quickened with a rush. Odin didn't forget.

The man who spoke did so with a flat affect, disconnected from the severity of his words. "Odin the Allfather requests your presence in the judgment hall."

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