Battle Wounds (SIGYN)

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False Odin charged forward into the secret hallway. Only the shine of blood on his back let me know where he was.

My stomach rolled over and over again with every step. What if he needed something far beyond my skill set? Could I do him more harm than good?

He grunted when he reached the end, and light crept in under the wall until Frigga's bedchamber was visible. We were at the back of the room with the large bathing vessel; the bed was on the other side of a wide dressing screen, and the closed door beyond it led to the main room with the reflecting pool. Somehow entering from this angle changed my perception entirely, and I didn't feel it was Frigga's space at all—it was his. Her ghost was locked out by the balcony.

Loki slumped over the edge of the vessel, barely able to keep himself upright. He remained in False Odin's form, bleeding and broken and nowhere near as impressive under the armor as the legends suggested. This body was that of an old man's—strong with a barrel chest, sure, but not the chiseled legend that some spoke of in the great hall.

My charge to fix him couldn't wait much longer. "I...I'll run hot water. Let us see how badly you are injured."

His single eye was glassy. Distressed. While Odin was known for his blue eye, this one was distinctly more turquoise than usual. Loki's true self couldn't hide anymore.

"Go on. I have no fear of being caught." To give him a chance to change—however he wished to do so—I turned on the spigot for the basin and went to the vanity table in search of numbing oil.

Mother had some, said it was must be here, too. I opened all of the many bottles before me and found several that contained magic for the senses—spring rain that made a sound when I brought it close to my face, a vanilla cake which made my mouth water, and even one that transformed from one floral note to the next as if smelling a variable bouquet. My humble origins made me feel like a child again, discovering such things for the first time.

Finally, one made my eyes burn when I opened it. Unmistakably spicy—an anesthetic. Not a moment too soon, as he hissed behind me.

Loki, now in his real body, clutched his shoulder. The injury was all the more sinister in his own skin. Still wearing a tight black covering over his torso, arms, and just past his knees, he struck me as taller than he was a few moments ago. Remarkably more fit than False Odin, too.

He lifted his right hand to touch the open wound in front and grimaced, hunching his neck to try and relieve some pressure. The involuntary twitches in his face said he was unsuccessful.

I turned off the running water since the basin was adequately full and stood before him, all business and care. "You must remove that. Reach up, please."

The pain in his eyes was more than obvious—but was it because of a physical ache, or knowledge that he drew the enemy? Rumors flew though the servantry the moment the creatures arrived, and word spread that they were the same underlings he controlled on Midgard those years ago. Without doubt, Loki was their aim, though only I knew how accurate they were to strike where they did.

With a deep breath he raised his arms, struggling to keep the left one lifted while I pulled the top over his head. Once free, Loki fell into the side of the tub again.

"Get undressed and into the water." I furrowed my brow but tried to keep my voice steady so as not to give away the severity of the gash on his back. Armed with the bottle of numbing potion, I poured most of it into the tub and watched the water change from crystal clear to cloudy violet. Whatever magic it contained, it had a personality of its own. If Frigga trusted it, so did I. To preserve Loki's modesty, I went behind the dressing screen in search of a cup or jug to assist me in cleaning him up. Fortunately for both of us, an empty brass vase beneath the nightstand was perfect.

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