Inevitable (LOKI)

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With a quick wave of my hand, we were both concealed with a spell of invisibility, which caught Sigyn by surprise before we stepped onto the noble floor.

"This is strange," she said, rubbing her hands together. "I can see you, but you're cloudy."

"That's how you appear to me as well, because it's my magic. But try to stay quiet—it shrouds us from eyes, not ears."

Sigyn nodded and kept going, searching the hall from left to right before continuing, even though no one was present. The guards had been dismissed for the evening and anyone who hadn't already been out celebrating was surely doing so now that the bell had been rung. Tomorrow's councils would likely be poorly attended, and I'd already made up my mind to be lenient. Small mercies toward the people helped alleviate the strong sense of guilt that still plagued me for bringing the enemy here.

She slowed when we passed Frigga's chamber, which still had my tribute of flowers out front. Her prior gift inspired me. Mother loved small gestures and always hoped Thor and I would learn their value.

Sigyn shook her head, hiding an inner thought, and trotted down the stairs toward the servantry.

The lower we went in the palace, the louder the great hall became, making our discovery all the more likely. Sure, Sigyn could show herself at any time, but I'd foolishly covered us in the same spell. Revealing her would mean revealing me. In front of her door, she checked for onlookers before opening it—after all, it would only serve to spread rumors of ghosts if someone witnessed our entry.

I reversed the spell once inside. Her room was much more confining and short than I remembered. The weeks away stretched the space in my mind. With my horned helmet, I nearly touched the ceiling and had to crouch to feel comfortable, so I removed it and shook out my hair—free to be myself for the first time since we'd last been together upstairs.

Sigyn lit two candles and kicked her shoes off beside the bed, sighing as she did.

"Are you sure your feet aren't injured after all you've done today?" I asked, placing my helmet on the desk absently.

She groaned, dropping whatever formality she carried at banquet and in the bell tower, as if she was no longer interested in trying to impress anyone—myself included. "Truthfully, fighting isn't what's giving me grief now. It was those barbarous slippers by the door." Sigyn hopped up on her mattress, letting her legs dangle off the side. "I'm looking forward to getting rest after today. It feels like the battle was days ago, not hours."

"I understand." Not waiting for an invitation, I sat in the small wooden chair by her desk, letting my cape flow behind me over the back. My armor confined and kept me from breathing deeply, but what Sigyn needed was obvious. I reached for her left foot first and brushed it with my fingertips. "May I offer some assistance?"

" want to massage my feet?"

"It's the least I can do." I placed her heel on my knee and kneaded beneath her toes. Even this small part of her was soft and warm. Being with her was all I cared about.

As I expected, Sigyn hummed in satisfaction and closed her eyes. "I shouldn't let you do this, you know."

"And why not?"

"You know why." She let out a heavy sigh and relaxed with her hands propped up behind her. "But I'm too weak and tired to tell you to stop. And—oh!"

"That a sore spot?" I found the knot in her arch and worked gently. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. King's orders, no more uncomfortable shoes."

She snickered, opening her eyes again. They were deep and dark like an ocean, filled with intelligence, strength, and kindness. Perhaps even another emotion, but I wasn't sure if it truly existed outside of what I understood, so I chose to ignore the possibility.

Sigyn's Discovery (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now