Poland and Ukraine were in the back, questioning it all.
'I'm sorry, Polen. This is important though, many lives, our countries or some goofy ass damaged car? I could have picked the BMW or Volkswagen.' Germany apologized, it was quite crappy, but desperate times happen after all.

Germany parked the car quickly.
'Ukraine, it's your turn to drive.' He sighed, tired. Ukraine unbuckled her seatbelt and noticed how Germany didn't even have his seatbelt in the first place.

'You lil-'
'Yeah yeah, get in the car.' Germany rolled his eyes and sat next to Poland, who buckled Germany's seatbelt since Germany didn't. Germany has something personal with seatbelts probably.

Germany laid down on Poland, resting his head on Poland's high before almost instantly falling asleep, slapping Poland's face with his massive fluffy wing.

Poland gently moved the wing off his face otherwise he would sneeze from the dust in Germany's wings. Fluffy but FERAL to maintain. East looked at Poland and Germany before laughing and turning back to Ukraine to turn right.

'How much longer are we going to be in this car?'  Poland asked East, who turned back to him again.
'Not for long.. wait I know a shortcut, Ukraine quick switch seats!'

'You can't even drive as good!'
'Yes but I can- uhhhh...' East was questioning herself for a bit.
'WESTERN WAKE THE FICK UP!!!' East yelled and West shot up frightened.

'AAA! WAS ZUM FICK!' Germany screamed, 'WHY WAKE ME UP THIS WAY?!' Germany looked, suddenly recognizing this area despite never being there.
'Ukraine switch quick.'Ukraine nodded and they quickly swapped before German hit the gas.
'WEST!SLOW!' East warned Germany but he ignored her, going backwards and doing a sharp turn. East saw in the corner of her eye... that was the clone. Panama.

'WEST STOP RHE FUCKING AUTO!!' East yelled, Germany turned to East.
'We both know that she is there, I know a potential detour to connect to the road you are talking about.' Germany drove towards a massive gap.

'NIEMCY STOP!!' Poland yelled, Germany didn't listen and hit the accelerator with his foot, speeding up the car. Ukraine covered her eyes while East tried to pull her twin off the steering wheel, Poland started praying for his life when Germany opened the windows and activated his magic. He rolled up and ball and aimed at the gap to attempt to make a bridge for them, when instead...

Something else happened.

He missed.

Instead, the car suddenly lifted up by itself, as if some force was there. Was that Panama? It can't be. Panama is somewhere else.

'WHAT THE FUCK?!' Poland screamed, puzzled. Germany quickly used his dark magic again, but instead it moved the car.
'HUH?!' He gasped confused, he didn't remember having this side ability. He quickly tugged his magic again, pushing his hand as the car moved along it without him even touching the car.

'Is that the clone?!' Ukraine shrieked, seeing Panama come closer. East rolled down the windows and climbed out of it to protect them. Germany moved his hand slower and smoother, making the car move above. Poland looked down, if Germany messed up they are all dead. There isn't enough time to leave the car before they hid the bottom.

Panama activated her power, some yellow aura following her movement flawlessly, with little mini lighting bolts around the aura. East summoned her own aura intimidate Panama, her jet lack aura, making the small area foggy and hard to see through making Germany confused a bit. He quickly moved his hand, moving the car at a faster pace and going through the gap, almost flinging East off the car from the speed.

If East didn't have good control over her magic it would be over for her, she put her hands together and a dark magic shard was made, sharper than a sword, sharper than the lighting bolt aura.

Panama was amused, she didn't know. It was possible to make these shards. She tried with her own magic but instead make a magic ball and threw it her direction.

Germany landed on the other side, quickly leaving the car to assist East, who has floating in the middle of the massive gap using her magic.

Germany spread his wing and ran to boost himself faster, shooting himself at Panama who he eventually crashed into, making a black magic layer in his arms to punched Panama down. She quickly took out a little pocket knife and he noticed, quickly ducking down before Panama almost stabs his shoulder.

'YOU DID NO JUST TRY TO HURT MEIN BRUDER! DU SCHWEIN!' East glared, before boosting herself and rolling up a ball of magic to shove into her face, Germany held Panama, who was grunting and struggling out of his grip as East attacked Panama. Poland and Ukraine meanwhile noticed a small remote on the ground.

'Ill left the remote slowly, you stay here okay?' Ukraine whispered, Poland nodded as he watched his lover and his childhood best friend fight such a creature.

Ukraine snuck out the car, doing a small somersault before grabbing the remote. Which caught panamas's attention immediately. She rushed into Ukraine, quickly slapping the remote out of her hands and grabbing Ukraines throat who gasped and started chocking.
'E-EAST!!' Ukraine tried to kick Panama but didn't budge. Germany was breathing, tired and low in energy but quickly flew towards them.

Germany got there first before East, taking Panama's hands off Ukraine who quickly gasped and started panting heavily to get all the oxygen as fast as possible. Panama flashed to Germany, grabbing his wrists with one hand and pushing him again the ground before grabbing the pocket knife.

'YOU LITTLE... LET ME GO!' Germany screamed before Germany activated his magic with just a finger, little amounts matter too and he quickly flicked the little magic bubble onto the knife, to push it off, fighting back from the second stab attempt.

East flipped when she saw that her brother was getting hurt, she picked up Ukraine and quickly moved her to safety, grabbed the remote and threw it across to Ukraine who catches it before running to her twin.

Germany tried to fight back, but felt his energy level go down quickly.

Panama was feeding on his power. He could either let her feed off his energy or just get stabbed.

He wasnt going to let either happen.

He activated his magic and used his remaining strength to flip himself on his back to push another earthquake, but instead it snatched the pocket knife and almost hit Panama in the head.

East ran over, snatched the pocket knife before to felt to the ground and jumped a little before "gently" slicing Panama's back of her head, who gasped, shuddered as her knees went to the ground. Germany was shaking, his energy hanging on for dead life who took out his claws and punched Panama to finish her her before pulling out and wheezing from the pain.

He was pushed too hard onto the ground, his lungs were basically compressed.

East quickly picked up her twin and rushed in the car before quickly lifting up her twins shirt a bit, to see a strange wound shaped like a star.

'THAT BITCH. Poland, quickly drive please I need to treat West for this.. Ukraine go to the front seat.' Ukraine nodded and quickly changed the seat while East used her skill to remove the cursed from Germany.

The curse to forever feed the underworld with your energy until you die.

It's dangerous if left alone for a day, but easy to fix by a person who knows a lot of witchcraft or is a black magic user, East happens to be both.

Hours pass and they park by a large tree, seeing the building.

They are almost done. They are almost free.

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now